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"Last night, you called me and you seemed off a bit, then y—" he says, and I immediately interrupt him, "Why did I call you?"

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"Last night, you called me and you seemed off a bit, then y—" he says, and I immediately interrupt him, "Why did I call you?"

He raises an eyebrow and says, "I don't like being interrupted."

"Of course, sorry."

He continues, "You thought I was your father, and then you started talking nonsense about how upset you are over your mother's reaction to you double majoring. You said a lot of family drama issues and complained about everything. There was loud music in the background, and I didn't hear you well, but I did hear multiple men hitting on you. Then you suddenly yelled and hung up the call."

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I can't believe I told him about my private matters. He twirls his glass and tips his head to take a sip.

He places the glass back on the table and explains, "There has been a rumor going around about a gang kidnapping girls, raping them, then murdering them. I feared that the men who hit on you were them, so I called you multiple times. You didn't answer. I texted you, and no response, so I tracked your phone down."

"You did what?" I whisper-yell.

"You left me no choice. I know that Jack cares about you a lot and you are not unpleasant to be with. I didn't want to be the last person who talked to you alive."

I still have no memories from last night, but I could guess who the men he spoke about were. I am mortified that he might have found out the truth about me. The last thing I need is for my husband-to-be to think that I'm a whore or a gold digger. He clears his throat as the waiter brings the appetizers. I stare at my plate, not wanting to look at his disappointment.

"I got into the bar you were in and found you in the ladies' room. You were in one of the stalls, trying to push a man off of you, and he wouldn't budge. So I grabbed him from behind and punched him. That was the first time ever that I've committed violence for the sake of a woman. I grabbed you and urged you to follow me, but you were mad and told me to fuck off. So I grabbed you by your waist, threw you over my shoulder, and carried you to my car."

He starts eating his salad, and I start thinking about why I was mad. I look at him, waiting for him to continue my embarrassing story. I grab my sparkling water and start drinking.

"I didn't quite understand why you were mad until I got you to my car. I wasn't driving; I had a driver. So I sat with you in the backseat, and apparently, you were upset. I believe the words you used were 'stop cockblocking my night.'"

I choke on my drink and cough.

Oh my lord.

"I told you that I had no idea you were into that man. I thought he was taking advantage of you against your will. I would have done it again even if I knew you wanted to get laid because it's wrong to take advantage of a drunk woman. He was sober. I don't care that you gave him consent; it's just fucked up in a lot of ways."

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now