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As Devon continues his meeting, I find myself growing restless

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As Devon continues his meeting, I find myself growing restless. The thrill of pleasuring him has given way to impatience. I glance up at him, but he's completely engrossed in the discussion, his attention divided between the call and the heat building between us.

I decide to take matters into my own hands. I resume my earlier actions, this time with a renewed determination to push him over the edge. My mouth works him skillfully, my hand stroking in tandem. His grip tightens in my hair, but he doesn't stop me.

"Yes, just like that," he murmurs, trying to keep his voice steady for the call. "You're doing so well."

But I can feel his control slipping, the tension in his body mounting. I suck harder, taking him deeper, determined to make him come.

Suddenly, he tenses, his cock throbbing in my mouth. "Evelina," he warns, but it's too late. With a strangled groan, he spills into my mouth, his release sudden and intense.

The call ends abruptly as he disconnects, his focus now entirely on me. His eyes blaze with a mixture of anger and desire. "I told you to take it slow," he growls, pulling me to my feet. "You disobeyed me."

Before I can respond, he lifts me over his shoulder, his grip firm and unyielding. He carries me swiftly to our bedroom, ignoring my protests. He drops me onto the bed, his expression stern.

"Get on your hands and knees," he commands, his voice leaving no room for argument.

I quickly comply, my heart racing. I remove my nightgown, the fabric slipping off easily. I position myself as he instructed, my body trembling with anticipation.

Devon stands behind me, his gaze intense. "You need to be punished for disobeying me," he says, his tone dark and authoritative. "And I'm going to enjoy every moment of it."

He slides his hand over my back, down to my ass, caressing it gently before delivering a sharp smack. The sting makes me gasp, but it's followed by a rush of heat that pools between my legs. He spanks me again, harder this time, and I moan, my body arching into his touch.

"Count," he orders, his hand coming down again.

"One," I gasp, the word barely out of my mouth before the next smack lands.

"Two," I cry, the sensation a mix of pain and pleasure.

He continues, each strike pushing me closer to the edge. By the time we reach ten, my skin is flushed, my body aching for more. He pauses, his hand resting on my ass, his touch soothing the stinging flesh.

"You're going to learn to listen," he says, his voice a low rumble. "And you're going to thank me for it."

I nod, my breath coming in ragged gasps. "Yes, Devon."

"Good," he replies, his hand moving to my soaked folds. He slides a finger inside me, and I moan loudly, my body reacting instantly to his touch. "You're so wet for me," he murmurs, his finger curling inside me. "Tell me what you want, Evelina."

His Loving Eyes [18+]Where stories live. Discover now