7: Memories screaming from the crypt

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🇨 🇭 🇦 🇵 🇹 🇪 🇷  🇸 🇪 🇻 🇪 🇳  ༄⁂Chiara prayed to Hypnos that night for a peaceful sleep, therefore -as expected- she had nightmares

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🇨 🇭 🇦 🇵 🇹 🇪 🇷  🇸 🇪 🇻 🇪 🇳  ༄⁂
Chiara prayed to Hypnos that night for a peaceful sleep, therefore -as expected- she had nightmares.

Chiara was standing in her mama's house in Venice. It was spring and the weather was great, she had hoped to go to the beach that weekend with Nico and Bianca but she had no problem just staying in the house and taking care of her garden. The flowers had bloomed and no one could deny how peaceful and dreamy they looked. Chiara had never been prouder for her creations.

She was outside with her siblings who were arguing over who won their card games while she was sipping her lemonade and trying to read in peace a greek book her mom had bought her. She always loved greek mythology even before everything went down, so when she found the Iliad on top of her bed when coming back from her school she couldn't have been more excited.

"Nico dai. Non essere un bambino, ammettere la sconfitta!" Bianca yelled at Nico who stubbornly folded his arms. (= Nico come on, don't be a baby, admit defeat)

"Mai, ho vinto. Hai barato," Nico continued "Sorella, digliela" Both of them turned to look at her. (= Never, I won. You cheated. Sister, tell her)

"Non ho visto niente, ma voi due dovreste smetterla di litigare per cose stupide." Said Chiara amused with her siblings childish acts. She couldn't believe they were 10 and 9 and had such manners; of course as the older one by a year and a half, she took it upon herself to boss them around. (= I saw nothing but you two should stop arguing over stupid stuff. )

Bianca started slightly giggling at her sisters answer but Nico on the other hand frowned even more than before. "Vergognati" Nico yelled at her while throwing his head around in disgust causing the older girls to laugh even more. (= Shame on you)

"Non è colpa mia se sei irresponsabile!" Chiara said jokingly while trying to keep up with her brother's antics. It was moments like this that she was happy to have siblings, when she was younger she used to say to them that their stupidity amused her to a greater level. Obviously she'd never admit that the only thing that amused her was her adoration for them; it was to the point that she even found their annoying outbursts funny and cute. "la prossima volta vinci onestamente, così non dovremo ripeterlo. Hai capito?" (= it's not my fault you're irresponsible. Next time win fair so we don't have to go through this again. Understand?)

"Sei il diavolo! Ne sono sicuro!" Nico mumbled while glaring at her. Chiara gave him a glare, religion was a sore spot. With a catholic mother expecting her to follow suit, she couldn't help stiffening at the mention of the devil, even if it was mentioned as a joke by her baby brother. As a child when she'd do something inappropriate her mama would take her to church where she'd hear all kinds of terrifying stories about the devil and how he was waiting for disobeying little kids to tempt. That was enough for her to stop messing around with the divine. Bianca smacked Nico in the head. (=You're the devil! I'm sure of it!)

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