20 : Alaska, food and eagles

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CHIARA FELT EXHAUSTED, the moment she managed to connect Percy with his brother, Tyson, she remembered why she rarely ever did this. Percy and her held hands, although it was obvious he was far from thrilled, in order to succeed in her attempt. It was difficult to put herself in the right mindset when the energy around her was so negative yet she managed to make it work. Soon enough dark shadows were surrounding them and moving them. They were back in Vancouver, standing in front of the ruins of the Zhang mansion.

The Laistrygonians were gone. The mansion was reduced to a burned-out shell. A crew of firefighters was packing up their equipment, getting ready to move out. The lawn looked like a war zone, with smoking craters and trenches from the blown-out irrigation pipes.

At the edge of the forest, a giant shaggy black dog was bounding around, sniffing the trees. The firefighters completely ignored it. A sudden ache filled Chiara's heart as she recognized the dog to be a hellhound, she assumed it was Mrs. O'Leary Percy’s pet according to Nico. The animal reminded her of her time in the Underworld, she deathly missed that place. It killed her not to be able to talk to her father.

Beside one of the craters knelt a Cyclops in oversized jeans, boots, and a massive flannel shirt. His messy brown hair was spattered with rain and mud. When he raised his head, his big brown eye was red from crying.

“Close!” he moaned. “So close, but gone!”

It broke Chiara's heart to hear the pain and worry in the big guy’s voice, but she knew Percy and him only had a few seconds to talk. The shadows were already dissolving, Chiara wasn't strong enough. If Alaska was the land beyond the gods, Chiara figured the farther north she went, the harder it would be to use her powers.

“Tyson!” he called.

The Cyclops looked around frantically. “Percy? Brother?” He couldn't see them they appeared as mere shadows and nothing more.

“Tyson, I’m okay. I’m here—well, not really.”

Tyson grabbed the air like he was trying to catch butterflies. “Can’t see you! Where is my brother?”

“Tyson, I’m flying to Alaska. I’m okay. I’ll be back. Just find Ella. She’s a harpy with red feathers. She’s hiding in the woods around the house.”

“Find a harpy? A red harpy?”

“Yes! Protect her, okay? She’s my friend. Get her back to California. There’s a demigod camp in the Oakland Hills—Camp Jupiter. Meet me above the Caldecott Tunnel.”

“Oakland Hills ... California ... Caldecott Tunnel.” He shouted to the dog, “Mrs. O’Leary! We must find a harpy!”

“WOOF!” said the dog.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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