8: Senate meetings and bitchy blondes

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CHIARA WOKE UP SHAKING the memories off. It was a common occurrence, ever since having her memories wiped at the river Lethe she got her memories back slowly -slowly meant remembering her family traditions and her father, powers and battle skills she learnt during her childhood at random times. Sometimes she even relived them through her dreams.

Hazel was used to seeing Chiara wake up feeling like shit, she could sympathize with her having a relatively close problem herself. All she could do was join her sister in her bed and make sure she was okay. And so she did.

"Haze, don't worry please, I'm fine." Chiara reassured her sister who moved to sit next to her.

"I know, I'm never nervous about you, sœur. I do wantto hug you though, can I?" Hazel pleaded. Chiara sighed in response moving to cuddle Hazel on the bed. Hazel just smiled at her putting her hands around Chiara's waist and hiding her head on her neck. Chiara stoked Hazel's hair enjoying her little sister's company. Chiara thought it was nice to have a friend in Hazel. At times like that she valued her a lot, although was not very enthusiastic when she first found out about Hazel for various reasons.

Firstly, she was the only girl, she didn't want to have competition, Bianca was never seen as a person she had to outshine since there were already established limits. With Haze however she was afraid she'd grow jealous, jealous of Nico's protectiveness, the relationship with their dad -which was back then unknown to her- and jealous of Hazel possibly being a better warrior. Soon enough Chiara changed her mind, once she saw Haze viewed her as some kind of a role model, Chiara grew really fond of that.

Secondly, it was still difficult for Chiara to get over Bianca's death and getting a replacement wasn't the best circumstance. She used to see Hazel as a character from one of her mother's books rather than an actual living person, analyzing her every move trying desperately to find a piece of Bianca inside of her, hoping that if she found even one common ground it'd be easier for her to tolerate it. But she never did so she stopped disliking Hazel for 'taking her siblings away from her and forcing herself into Chiara's life' and saw her for what she really was. A sweet girl, who went through everything herself and still had a beautiful personality. Hazel was mature and badass when she needed to be maintaining her manners at all times.

Eventually Chiara adored being Hazel's older sister; she loved being the first person Hazel went to whenever she needed comfort or advice, she also loved their game nights and cooking sessions, she loved teaching Hazel literature and piano and other stuff her mom had taught her. Having discussions with Hazel in french, talking to her about music and how things were like in Italy versus New Orleans during their time. Hazel made her feel relaxed and in a weird way she was whenever they were together.

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