Draco Malfoy

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Warnings: a little sad, but nothing else :)


No matter how much I tossed and turned, I couldn't find any comfortable spot to sleep in. Everyone else in my dorm was fast asleep, for it was much past Midnight.
I got up from my bed, slipping on a hoodie and some shoes before carefully walking out of the slytherin common rooms.
There was one place on my mind that could help to calm me down from my restless night. The Astronomy tower. I didn't tend to go there quite often, but the tower had the perfect view of the stars late at night.
"Lumos" I muttered, causing the tip of my wand to produce a bright light that was able to shine down the entire hallway as I made my way up the antagonizing number of stairs to the tower. Who's bright idea was it to put a fucking dorm in the dungeons?
By the time I reached the top of the last staircase, I expected to hear nothing but crickets, but instead I heard sniffs and quiet sobs. I slowly turned the corner to see a boy with blonde hair hugging his knees to his chest, sitting with his back against one of the walls.
My heart seemed to stop.
I could recognize that mop of blonde hair anywhere.
"Draco?" I tried my best to speak in a calm tone, but my voice made him jump, pulling his wand out and pointing it at me. My eyes widened for a second, but he seemed to relax once he saw my face.
"What are you doing here?" He snapped, trying to wipe the tears from his face.
"I could ask you the same thing." I've always admired Draco from afar. We've never been close or anything, but right now I feel like my heart was breaking at the sight of this seemingly confident and perfect boy in a broken state. "What's going on?" I asked. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I quickly added.
With those few words, tears started to form in his eyes again, and I crouched down by his side.
"Can I do anything to help?" I asked again.
Instead of a response, I got a loud sob and tears that started to stream down his face like rain.
Without a second thought, I pulled him into my arms, placing his head on my chest as his hands grabbed at my shirt. Tears fell from his face onto my shirt, but I didn't move. I let him cry.
His body shook with every sob, and I couldn't help but feel my heart break for the boy in my arms.
"It hurts so bad" he managed to choke out between sobs. A confused look played on my face in response.
"What hurts?" I asked.
"The mark." His voice was shaky and quiet as he muttered those words. "They marked me."
The Dark Mark.
"Can I see it?" He looked up at me with uncertain eyes, tears calming slightly, but still flowing nonetheless. He slowly rolled up his sleeves, revealing the dark mark, which was movie around in his skin. With each movement, he let out another hiss of pain. He didn't deserve this. Nobody does.
I brought his mark up to my lips, placing a kiss over it. He seemed to relax into my touch, his tears flowing less and less. "How about we go back to your dorm so you can get some sleep."
He nodded, allowing me to help him up. He kept his hand in mine, allowing me to lead him back down the stairs and to the slytherin dorms. "Which way is your room?" I asked, and he began to pull me with him towards the boys dorms. He opened a door to a room that only had one bed, and slight clutter surrounding it, but mostly a clean room. "I didn't know you were a prefect"
"I'm not" his voice was still husky from crying as he spoke. "My dad's been paid the school to give me a dorm of my own since first year" he let out a small laugh as i led him over to his bed, allowing him to lay down and get comfortable.
"Goodnight Draco" I said, beginning to walk to the door.
"Wait!" His tone was a little rushed, causing me to pause and turn around. "Can you stay, please. I don't want to be alone."
"Of course" i replied, walking over to the couch in the corner of his room.
"Not over there, with me." He said. "Please"
I walked back over to his bed, pulling the covers up so I could get in next to him. "Thank you"
I hummed in response as he pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms tightly around my stomach as he rested his head on my chest. My eyes widened in response.
What the fuck do I do!!?
Keep it together, that's what you do.
I relaxed into his touch, placing one hand on his back and the other in his hair, playing with the soft blonde strands I've only dreamt of touching.
Though this wasn't what I thought my first time cuddling with Draco would be like, I still couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach as he leaned into my touch more. 
His soft snores soon filled the room, leaving me to my own thoughts.
Even though the situation was not good, I found it hard to believe that this situation wasn't a start to something perfect.

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