Harry Potter*

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As much as I love this school, there's nothing to do when you have free time besides walk, talk, or play board games.
My boyfriend, Harry still had one class left of the day, where I finished an hour ago because I already picked that class third year to where it was extra, but now I don't have to take it.
Though the free time was nice, I couldn't help but get really fucking bored.
My mind began to wonder, coming up with different scenarios with Harry. Going to the park with him, watching movies, going on dates, and lastly, him making a move on me. Though I tried not to, my mind wondered to this thought. We've been dating for over a year, and we haven't gone any further than hickeys, which usually all end up on him.
He's just not ready to do anything, and there's nothing wrong with that. It just causes me to be so sexually frustrated to the point where I just need a quick fuck to make me feel better. No way in hell I could cheat on Harry. I love him far too much.
I huffed, lying back down on Harry's bed, waiting for him to come back. It should be any second now.
If almost on cue, the door to his dorm opened, showing a disheveled Harry.
"Hey, love." He muttered, tossing his bag down on the floor and flopping onto the bed.
"Hey" I replied.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked, turning his head to face me. "And don't say nothing, because I can tell it's more than that."
I huffed again. "It's not a big deal, so don't worry about it." A concerned look formed on his face.
"If it's bothering you, then it's bothering me. Please, tell me, Y/n." He sat up, pulling me so that I was straddling his lap. This was really not helping.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I replied, placing my hands around his neck.
"Nothing you do would make me uncomfortable." He told me with a smile. "I've dealt with crazy professors, soul sucking ghosts, and a guy that tries to kill me every year."
"I'm just frustrated." He made a face for me to continue. "Sexually frustrated." I muttered.
"Oh" he replied. "Okay." He seemed lost in thought. "Can I help you with that?"
"Harry, I know you aren't ready to do that. I don't want you to feel like you have to." I ran one of my hands through his hair, the other cupping his face as i smiled at him.
"I want to. I'm ready." He placed a hand on the back of my head, pulling me into a kiss that quickly turned heated. My tongue slid into his mouth as we continued to kiss. His hands found their way to my hips, moving them. I followed his lead, slowly grinding my hips onto his growing bulge. My kisses led down his face to his neck, leaving a line of bite marks in my path.
Soft whimpers left his mouth as i slid off his lap. "Harry, are you sure you want to do this. I'm not going to be mad or disappointed if you say no." He nodded in response. "Come on, baby. Use your words."
"Yes, I want to do this." I smiled, taking my chance to pull his shirt off, revealing his toned body. He had faint abs and his arms were muscular. I continued to leave hickeys down his chest and stomach to the bottom of his jeans. I quickly unbuttoned them as he helped, kicking them off his body.
"May I?" I asked, looking at his boxers.
"Please." I pulled his boxers down with my teeth, trying to look as hot as possible. His breath hitched in his throat as his boner was exposed. I placed a kiss to the tip of his dick before running my tongue from the base of his dick to the tip. I received a loud moan from the boy below me. His breath grew heavier as I placed my mouth on the tip of his dick, bobbing my head slowly, teasing him as I did so. "Stop teasing, Y/n. Please, love." His words were breathy as I smiled at him. I took as much of him in my mouth as I could, using my hand to pump what I couldn't.
One of his large hands found it's way to my hair, pulling it as i continued to suck his dick. Soft moans flowed from his parted lips, encouraging me to keep going. I hollowed my mouth, taking as much of him as I could down my throat.
"Oh god-" he moaned. "I'm so close, please don't stop." Only seconds after he said that, I felt his hot cum paint the walls of my mouth. I slowly pulled my mouth from his dick. "Please, let me taste you."
"Next time, love. Let me make you feel good." I told him as I slid off my pants and underwear. I placed a kiss on his lips while I lined myself up with his dick, then slid down on him. A low groan emitted from his throat as a moan from mine. His hands squeezed my hips, trying to guide my body on his. In any other case, I would stop moving, but since this was his first time, I decided to be nice. I allowed his hands to guide my movements as i bounced on him.
"Fuck~ Y/n it feels so good" He moaned, nails slightly digging into my skin. I ignored it as i moaned in response. I leaned down, placing my lips on his, muffling his whines. His hips began to thrust up to meet my bounces, increasing the amount of pleasure I'm receiving.
"Your doing so good, my love." I said, smiling down at the mess he was becoming below me. His mouth was open, glasses falling off, eyes barely open, and panting. He looked hot as fuck.
I felt his dick twitch inside me, along with his thrusts getting sloppier and more desperate. I could tell he was close.
"Y/n, I'm so close" Harry whined.
"Go ahead, love. Cum for me." I replied, drawing harsh circles on my clit to bring me closer to the edge.
"Fuck~" With a last moan, I felt him cum inside me, then his body began to shake. "Baby-" he cut himself off with another moan as I didn't stop, chasing my own release.
"I know, I'm almost there." I tried to reassure him, knowing that he was overstimulated. My legs began to shake as i let out a soft moan, releasing on his dick. My movements slowed to a stop as I removed myself from him, grabbing my wand, and cleaning the hot mess we made.
"I didn't know that was going to feel so good." He muttered as i chuckled.
I opened my arms. "Come here." He smiled, jumping into my arms, wrapping his around my body as mine did the same.

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