Draco Malfoy

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WARNINGS: Talks about scars, and an insecure reader. Maybe a little sad


He's too perfect to want me. His perfect platinum blonde hair, his perfect smile, and even his perfectly tied tie. Everything about him is perfect, which makes him too perfect for me.
I love the way he rests his face on his hand when he's bored in class, or how he crosses his arms over his chest when he's interested in something. I love the way he listens to everything I say.
But again, he's too perfect to want someone like me.
Someone who's stomach isn't perfect. Someone who's thighs are covered in carved lines, which aren't even perfectly straight. Someone who's wrists are always hidden to disguise the imperfect marks that hide underneath.
He deserves someone perfect, someone that's not me.
As I sit next to Draco, I can't help but feel guilty he has to sit next to me. His group of friends were all spread out through the class since they cause trouble when they're together. Sad enough for him, he got stuck next to a Hufflepuff. A boring, quiet fucking badger.
Though I know it won't happen, I can't help but with that when he zones out, he thinks of me.
Yet, I know that he deserves someone more perfect than me.

I can't help but think how perfect she is. I can smell her vanilla perfume and it's almost intoxicating. When I get close enough to her, sometimes I can smell her floral shampoo and minty breath from her chewing gum.
Her legs are crossed as she wrote notes onto her almost full notebook. I can't help but see her perfect body. From her curves to her thick thighs. I can only imagine how good it would feel to be wrapped in her arms.
Her eyes, damn how beautiful they are, and I love how she slightly bites her lip when focusing.
I would give anything to be hers, but she's perfect, and I'm just a stupid fucking snake. Why would a sweet girl like her want an imperfect asshole like myself.

After class, I met up with Blaise and Pansy as we walked down the hall together to our next class.
"So, Dray, you thinking of asking anyone out yet?" Pansy asked. She asks every day, just to see if maybe I would ask her out, but she's nowhere near the girl I want. She's not Y/n.
"No, not really," I replied.
"You sure, your little Hufflepuff seems to get your attention quite the bit." Blaise teased, poking my shoulder.
I felt myself tense a little. Was I really that obvious? Does she know!!? Does she think I'm a freak?
My heart started to beat faster by the second. "Ew, seriously. A Hufflepuff instead of a Slytherin?" Pansy scoffed.
My heart felt saddened by the realization she was true. I'm an asshole and a Slytherin. Why would a Hufflepuff want me. Would anyone even approve of us together?
What would my father think?

~ Y/N P.O.V ~
"So, a little birdie told me you have the hots for a particular Slytherin dick." Cedric taunted, poking my shoulder as he spoke.
My feet froze as my eyes widened. "Birdie? Who told you?" I paused. "I mean, I don't like him. He's too rude and annoying, and pretty-" i cut myself off before I could say anything more.
Cedric continued to smirk at me as he sat down on the bench in front of us. "Calm down, fireball. I was joking." Still, his smirk remained on his smug face. "Even though you definitely like him."
I sat down next to him, holding my head in my hands to cover the red that flooded over my face.
"Is it really that obvious?" I mumbled.
"A little. I don't think people pay attention that much though." He placed a hand on my shoulder to try and settle my embarrassment.
"I really hope nobody pays attention." 

There's no way he likes me. I repeated those words over and over in my head as I tried to focus on the book I was reading.
I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that particular blonde boy sit down next to me until my book was snatched from my hands.
I blinked my eyes, turning over to face Draco. "Give it back." I said, reaching to grab it, only for him to more his arm more to the opposite side of me. I shuffled closer to him on the floor, pushing my body over his own to grab my book. I felt his body tense up as I grabbed my book, pausing myself as I saw how close we actually were. His breath danced on my face as my eyes stared into his own. Even if it was for a few seconds, it felt like so much longer.
I quickly moved off of him, trying to continue to read my book, only to feel Draco's eyes burning onto me. When I looked over, his gaze didn't shift, and neither did that smirk he had on his face. "What do you need, Draco?" I asked, seeing as his eyes didn't avert from my face.
"Am I not aloud to bother my favorite Hufflepuff?" He replied, scooting back a bit.
"No, your not." I replied, a smile on my face.
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, really."
"By the redness of your face I can tell you like it."
"And from the smirk on your face, I can tell you love fucking with me."
"Really? Am i that transparent?" He faked a shock face, suddenly getting closer to me. For a second, his eyes shifted to my lips before he leaning closer and placed his lips on my own.
My body jumped in reaction, but I quickly relaxed into the kiss, placing my hands behind his neck as his found my waist, pulling me closer.
He's fucking with you again. Why would he like someone like you?
Thoughts flooded my mind as he continued to kiss me. Quickly, I pushed him away, got up, and started to quickly walk away. "I have to go." I said, forgetting about my book and the test I have the next day.
"Wait! Y/n!" I heard Draco's footsteps try to follow mine, but I was quicker and got to the Hufflepuff common rooms before he could catch up, but unlucky for me, he slipped into the common room before the door could close. "Y/n! Please talk to me." He tried again and again as he followed me up to my dorm. "Come on, please!"
I tried to shut my door, but yet again, he snaked into my room.
"Please leave me alone." I said, trying to push him away from me.
"Please let me stay" he replied, continuing into my room.
"Please leave." My voice cracked as my eyes swelled with tears I didn't want to fall. My mind continued to wonder with horrid thoughts as he placed his hands into my own.
"Love, please don't make me." He paused, moving one hand to my chin to make me look at him. "If I don't tell you this now, I don't think I ever will." He paused yet again. "Y/n, I'm in love with you. I've tried to convince myself that I'm not because I know you won't want me. I'm an asshole, I'm rude to everyone, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to stop liking you. My heart stops when you sit next to me, or when you smile, or even when your hand touches my own."
"Draco." I paused. "You don't love me."
"What do you mean?" He asked, a confused look on his face.
"I mean, you don't love me. You hardly know me. You see what I want you to see and know what I want you to know." I said, trying so hard to stay serious when all I want to do is feel his arms wrap around me.
"So tell me who you are. There's nothing that will make me love you any less." His eyes were sincere, yet I know that he won't love me if I show him.
"I don't want you to see it, because your going to tell people and I'm going to become the freak-" Yet again, he shushed me with a kiss, this time a short one.
"Whatever it is, it won't change my mind on you." He assured me.

My heart burned to see her feel this way, to see her teary eyes on her beautiful face.
She sighed. "Draco, you don't love my body like you think you do." Again, she paused as my face contorted to a look of confusion.
"I promise you I will." My mind cluttered with anticipation of what it could be. Birth mark maybe. Bad rashes, whatever. I don't care.
"My stomach isn't perfect like everyone else's, and my thighs are bigger than what you see them as.
"What do you mean 'bigger than what I see them as'?" She pulled down the side of her skirt to show me the tape wrapped tightly around her thighs to make them appear smaller. By doing so, she showed me her stretch marks, and other lines I couldn't quite make out. "I don't care about a flat stomach or thin thighs. I like you the way you are. Plus, thick thighs are hot." She laughed a little at my statement.
"Is that all you were worried about?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"My skin isn't perfect either. It's covered in scars." I could barely understand her mumbles.
"Scars from what?" I asked.
"Me." She said, and I could feel my heart break in two. She's just like me.
She's perfect.
"May I see them?" I asked.
"I'd have to change."
"Go ahead, i won't look."
"Okay." I turned my back to her, and waited as I heard shuffling from behind me. "You can turn around now."
I turned to face her, and I felt my eyes swell. For once, there was someone who understood me, even though I wish it wasn't her.
"Oh, love." I said as tears fell down her face. In her tank top I could see the stars that littered her wrist to right below her elbow, and the scars that littered her perfect thighs, some under the tape that remained around her legs. "You shouldn't have to feel that way. You don't deserve to feel that way."
"I understand if you feel different about me. I would too, if I were you." Her tone was saddened, almost as if she expected me to leave her alone in this state.
"Absolutely not." Her head snapped up. "I don't care about scars. It would be hypocritical if I did." With that said, she wrapped her arms around me. It shocked me at first, but I relaxed into her embrace, my arms wrapping around her body.

We laid down onto her bed, marker in my hand. I drew hearts on each of her scars that I could see on her body. She didn't deserve to feel that way.
Maybe she's not perfect. But she's the perfect person for me.

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