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DRACO- Depends on who he's with. At Hogwarts, 8/10, but anywhere his father could see, 3/10. In Hogwarts, he would snog you and hug you close to him, or rest his hand on your thigh. With his father around, he would hold your hand or kiss your cheek, scared of what his father would say about you. He didn't want his father to hurt you in any way.

HARRY- 5/10. It's harder for him to express emotions completely in front of people, so he's still working on showing his love to the world. He would definitely peck your lips, hold your hand, and do all the easy couple stuff. He's working up to snogging and putting his hand on your thigh.

RON- 4/10. He's just an awkward person. You'd be the person showing more PDA than him, not as bad as Lavender, but enough to guide him into having a more public relationship.

HERMIONE- 6/10. She would show anyone that she loves you. Still, she wouldn't snog you in public, but would still kiss you, hold your hand, rest her head on your shoulder, and other loving stuff, just not anything purposely sexual.

FRED- 10/10. His confidence is unmatched. He would do tease you, snog you, anything like that in public. He loves the way it makes you flustered. 

GEORGE- 9/10. Still super confident, but wouldn't go too far with some of his teasing. He would still show a little of sexual acts in public, but not nearly as many as Fred. 

REMUS- 7/10. He would definitely show all his romantic acts, like hugging you close to him, laying your head on his shoulder, or holding hands wherever you went.

SIRIUS- 10/10. He doesn't care about what people think. He rid himself of that trait when he was younger. He would snog you, tease you, make jokes, anything, especially in front of Remus to see his flustered he would get.

TOM RIDDLE DELULU- 10/10. He would be extremely over protective and would want to show everyone who you belong to.

TOM RIDDLE REALITY- 0/10. He would shove you off of him if you tried to touch him in public.

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