Ron Weasley

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WARNINGS: none, just a bit short :)


"Ron, we have to get up." I tried my best to speak in a stern voice, but my smile stopped me from being mad.
Ron had latched his arms around me, and I couldn't squirm or pull away from him due to his entire body weight being put on me.
It was a Sunday, and Sundays were usually the day where I take a day to not do anything, but I still wanted to eat breakfast. Surprisingly, Ron didn't seem to be very hungry.
I huffed, trying to push him off of me. "Come on, Ron. I'm hungry" he looked up at me, lifting his chin off my chest and pouted his lips. "Please." I returned his look, but his didn't seem to falter.
"Ten more minutes." He laid his head back down on my chest, wrapping his arms even tighter around my body.
I sighed, giving in. "Fine." I could feel his face morph into a smile. "Only ten minutes."
I placed one hand in his hair, playing with it. Soon enough, his grip on me relaxed and I could hear his soft snores filling the room.
Now excepting the fact that I won't be leaving his dorm, or bed for that matter, anytime soon, I shuffled to get comfortable. Once Ron is asleep, it takes a lot to wake him up, and I really don't feel like putting in the effort to do so. Instead of the struggle, I gave in to the warm feeling of his embrace, and his soft blanket.


"3, 2, 1" I could hear distantly, about to open my eyes when instead, I felt cold water dripping onto me. My eyes shot open, and I could see a now wide awake Ron soaked above me and Fred and George standing at the foot of the bed.
"What the bloody hell was that for?" Ron exclaimed, his voice grumpy and tired.
George shrugged his shoulders. "You looked like you were killin' the poor girl. Had to wake you up somehow."
"Plus, it's almost noon. You gits needed a better wake up than a shake." Fred added.
"Could you get out now. I have to change out of my soaked clothes." Ron snapped, wiping water out of his eyes.
"Fine." George said.
"You better not let her be the one undressing you." Ron's face flushed red at Fred's comment. The twins rushed out of the room, leaving me and Ron alone.
He walked over to one of his drawers, pulling out one of his shirts and tossing it to me since all my clothes were back in my dorm. "I'll get changed in the bathroom." He said, walking over to the small bathroom his and Harry's dorm had.
I stripped myself of my shirt, placing Ron's shirt on, and took the blanket off of his bed. I draped it over a rack to dry and grabbed another blanket from Ron's closet.
I flopped down on the bed, waiting for Ron to finish getting changed.
Once the door opened and closed, I opened my arms, inviting him to come lay with me. A grin displayed over his face as he jumped on me, wrapping his arms back around my body.
I really love Sundays

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