George Weasley

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Warnings - none, just a little sad and a little long.


My throat began to tighten as my eyes glossed over. Everyone was pointing and laughing at me because of a stupid prank Fred and George pulled. Why would anyone laugh at such a cruel prank.
The two of them knew what happened to my brother. How he saved someone's life with magic, but was shot by the same man near seconds after. Yet they still put trip wire on my door. Yet they still found it funny to put party poppers through my room. Yet they still laughed at my reaction. They even took a moving picture of it. That same stupid picture of my crying face was plastered throughout the castle. I took down every one I saw, but there were too many, and people probably had them in their possession already.
I don't feel like dealing with this today, or any day really. I know I'll have to face everyone at some point, but not today.
Instead, I went up to my dorm, which was mine alone due to being a prefect. The perfect prefect, was my nickname. I never got scared by the Weasley pranks, I got straight O's. I was the perfect girl. Now, the name perfect prefect became more of a taunt, or a joke.
As soon as my door shut behind me, I let a sob out from my throat. I slid down my door, bringing my knees to my chest as i let more and more cries flow out of me.
My cheeks were tear stained and my shirt had wet spots from my tears dropping from my face. I looked and felt like a mess, not that I care.
My body jolted as I heard a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I cleared my throat, trying not to sound like the mess I was.
"It's George" a voice replied. I didn't respond.
Why the fuck is he here?
"Go away, George." I paused as i felt my throat begin to tighten again. "I don't need anymore jokes."
"Im not here for any jokes" he spoke softly. "Just please let me in"
"Go away" i repeated. Instead, George began to open the door. Fuck. I didn't lock it.
"Move from the door. I'm opening it whether your against it or not." His words were demanding, yet his tone was calm and sweet. I moved a little to the right so that my back was on a wall rather than the door. He slowly walked into my dorm, looking down at me. Without a word, he was down at my side, pulling myself into him. 
"Let me go" i tried to get out of his grasp, but I had no luck. He moved his arms as I began to relax into him so that one was on my back and the other was in my hair. That was all it took for me to break down in his arms. I cried in the arms of the reason for my tears. My hands balled into fists as more tears ran down my face.
"How could you?" My voice was quiet, and I know by his silence he could tell I was hurt. "You knew. You knew about my brother, but you still did that cruel prank. Do you think about anyone else but yourself and your fame?" I tried to speak in a harsh tone, but it came out quiet and broken.
"I don't know why we did that, and I don't know why Fred took that picture, but I promise you that we did not print it out and send it around school. I think Fred just wanted to show Lee, but Lee couldn't keep his mouth shut, or his hands to himself." He tried to explain his actions, but only excuses flooded out.
"I don't care about why Fred or Lee did it, why did you?" I asked.
"I don't know" but I knew he did. He had a reason for all of his pranks. Sometimes it was because he hated the person, or others because someone pulled a better prank than their last one, which was pretty rare.
"I know you know." I paused, thinking of the worst outcomes. "I know you probably just did that as a last resort to keep your perfect score of pranking everyone."
"Not at all. I didn't even want to do it." Why did he keep going with these stupid excuses?
I pushed him away from me as I stood up. He looked at me in confusion as he sat with his back on the wall. "What kind of reason is that!" I screamed, mad beyond reason. My sudden change in mood startled George, for his eyes widened and he became speechless. "You still did the prank, so why can't you just say that! Stop making up these excuses that 'you didn't want to' or 'Fred made me'. You can't blame everything on someone else! I know you never had to take responsibility for your actions, but this time you really fucking do. You messed up George. You fucked up bad. This isn't some harmless prank. You can't mess with someone's trauma for a laugh." I continued to scream at him. He just sat there, a blank expression on his face. I took my wand out from my pocket. "Now get out before I make you"
"No" he stood up as well, walking closer to me as i continued to back up.
"You have three seconds" i looked him with a serious look to let him know that unlike him, i wasn't joking. 
"Do it. Hex me, curse me, whatever. I deserve it. What I didn't was awful. You deserve a reason, or any sort of explanation. My only reason is one I know you don't want to hear." He stood in front of me, eyes closed as he waited for some sort of pain to erupt in his body.
"I'm not cruel like you are, George" His eyes opened at my words. "I don't want to see your face again."

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