Remus Lupin - REQUEST

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Requested by @mountainkoi


Never did I believe I'd end up as a teacher, let alone Professor at probably the most popular witchcraft school in the world.
I've only been to the school once when I went to Beauxbatons and came here for the Triwizard Tournament when I was 15. Still, I remember the halls quite well.
I've been asked to take place of the Astronomy teacher as she's on excused absence. If I'm correct, she had a baby girl right before school started and was allowed to take the rest of the year to herself. In the two weeks since school started, I have also learned that I'm not the only new professor here. A man, Remus Lupin, I believe, is returning from student to teacher. From what I've heard, he's quite a female faculty favorite.

"Yes, Mr. Weasley." I sighed, allowing the tall redhead to speak. I always refer to the twins as Mr, for I have no idea which is which.
"Since you like the stars so much, maybe I could make you see them in your head." The boy joked.
"Fred, right?" His jokes set him aside from his brother, George. Their looks might be similar, but their personalities and dignity are far from the same, pranks aside.
He nodded in response. "If I really wanted to see stars, I would simply walk outside. You don't need men for everything." His brother snickered at him. "Maybe instead of Astronomy, you should've taken up a class for etiquette."
The class 'ooo'ed at him, making his cheeks flush a slight shade of red, which he tried to cover with another hushed joke to his friends.
Ignoring his other comments, I continued my class, frustrated with that red head.

"You seem frustrated." I looked up from my desk to be met with a man around my age with a scar along his face, hands behind his back.
"That's because I am." A smile slightly spread on his face, showing the dimples on his face. "Did you need anything in particular, Lupin?"
"Remus, please." He added, walking closer to my desk. "And I didn't need anything in particular. Just wondering what brought you to Hogwarts."
He sat in a chair in the front row of the class. "Well, it was mostly the opportunity. Being in Astronomy, it's hard to go places, and a job here was the easiest route from college." I replied, looking back down at the papers I was grading. "How about yourself?"
"Nothing much, just a chance to visit my old school, meet my godson." Again, I looked up from my papers.
"Who's your godson?"
"Harry Potter."
"So you were one of Jame's friends?"
"Indeed I was."
"I've heard McGonagall talk about a group called the Marauders. Were you in that?"
"I was." He paused. "They called me Moony"
"Was there a reason for that?"
"Not really."
"Well, speaking of moons, there's a full moon Saturday. Any interested in seeing it?"
"I would love to if I would be awake. I like to get to sleep early, sometimes I have morning classes."
"Well that's too bad. Maybe we could watch it sometime."

I sat on the gravel trail near the forbidden forest, my back against a tree as I stared up at the stars and the beautiful full moon.
My eyes felt heavy as my body continued to relax.
A loud howl echoed through my ears from behind me. My body froze as I heard it again, this time closer.
I couldn't move, couldn't speak, and my heart rate felt like it was going a hundred miles an hour.
I could hear it's feet shuffling on the dry leafs and I could smell it, alone with hearing the pants from this creature. Yet, as it got closer it didn't have the musky scent of an animal, but the scent of cologne. Not rich cologne, but one I've smelt before.
Before I could move, I saw the creature walk along the path I had walked earlier. It was hunched over, front two legs off the ground with grey fur.
My breath hitched in my throat, letting out a small noise. I felt myself grow even more terrified than I was before as the creature looked directly at me. Even in the dark, I could distinctly see a scar on the things face.
It was a werewolf.
I've never seen a werewolf in person, but for some reason, knowing that there was a human behind those eyes let me relax just a little. The werewolf got closer, sniffing me as it did. It's eyes stared into my own as it got closer and closer, before it growled. I couldn't outrun it, and I knew it could do some pretty good damage to me, so I punched it as hard as I could square in the nose.
The werewolf whined and retreated into the woods.

I couldn't sleep that night, still thinking about the werewolf. Was it a student? A teacher? Some random guy that got onto the property? Why didn't it attack me the first chance it got?
The next full moon wasn't for another month, so I wasn't going to wait that long to see it again. The sun has already come up, so the wolf is likely turned back to human.
I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed my wand and tied my robe around my body so my shorts and bra weren't shown.
I walked the hallways, my wand lighting up the space in front of me.
I passed Remus' classroom and heard shuffling inside. Knocking on the door, I waited a second to go in. Inside was Remus, sitting in his desk chair, blood on his clothes, and scratches on his arms. "Remus?" I said softly, rushing over to make sure he was alright.
"Darling, what are you doing up so late?" He asked, looking quite silly with a tissue sticking out of his nose.
"I was walking the hallways, heard noise in your classroom and wanted to make sure you were alright." I said. "May I ask what happened?" I found myself staring at his scar. The scar that was in the same place as the werewolf's. Now that I think about it, the smell of cologne from the wolf was also on Remus.
"Don't worry, I just tripped and hit my nose on the floor. Quite silly of me." He said rather quickly. His gaze wasn't soft like it normally was, but rather intense with his pupils dilated.
"And your arms?"
"I had a bad itch and I kept scratching without a worry." He let out a laugh at his lies.
"Remus, are you sure that's what happened?" I asked, hoping he would tell me 'no'. 
"Of course I am, love. What else would've happened?" His gaze shifted from my face to the floor.
I hesitated before speaking. "If I'm wrong, I'm going to sound like a real bloody nutcase." I paused. "Remus, I know what you are."
"Human. Isn't everybody?"
"No." I said softer than usual. "I know your a werewolf, which sounds really ridiculous when I say it out loud."
"If it sounds that ridiculous, then maybe it isn't true." A sigh escaped his lips as he saw the face i made.
"Remus, I'm not going to rat you out or anything. I just had a few questions."
"Your not?"
"Of course I'm not." I assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Sit and ask away." He said, using his wand to pull a chair up behind him.
"Is this why they called you Moony?"
"Does it hurt?" The look on his face said most of what I needed to know.
"It does a bit."
"Is there anyway to get rid of it?"
"I don't believe so. I've tried everything, even resorting to eating a shit load of chocolate to get rid of it."
"Do you have control of yourself?"
"A little, but it hurts when I do."
"I'm so sorry this happened to you."
"It's not your fault."
"I know, but I still feel awful."
"You shouldn't. Your one of the few who hasn't quite literally ran away or tried to kill me when they found out." I placed a hand on his face before pulling him into a hug. It was a little awkward since we were sitting, but he pushed his chair closer to my own to make it a little better.
"I don't understand why people are so cruel."
"Well, you did punch me in the nose." I could hear him chuckle as he pulled away a little, hands still on my waist.
"And you almost bit me. I call it even." My hands still lingered on the back of his neck. Before I knew it, he pushed his lips onto my own. I felt my heart beat just as fast as it was earlier, but this time out of excitement rather than fear.
"Thank you for not leaving right away."
"I won't ever leave you."

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