Draco Malfoy

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WARNINGS: none, just a little long with a lot of time skips.


Usually, students in the same house got along well. If you were in Hufflepuff, everyone liked each other and helped out even if you just met the person. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were the same. But Slytherin sucks. You have to be a pureblood, beautiful, and rich to get any attention in that house. Sadly, I only fit into two of the three categories.
Because of this, the Slytherin god himself decided that I'm a disgrace to the house, making sure everyone knew that I was a 'mudblood'. The people who liked Draco or had the hots for him agreed with him, so I was deemed as an outcast.
Some of the other kids who didn't care as much, decided to stay on my side. He started a civil war within the Slytherins. He called it 'purebloods vs. mudbloods and traders', when it was really just snobby kids trying to make themself liked.
Draco made everything a competition. Who got the higher grades, who had more friends, got the better rooms, etc. Most of the time, I ignored it and let him get the win.
Not worth my time. I'd tell myself. I wish he was worth my time.
As much as I hate to admit it, he captured my heart a long time ago. Not the snobby persona he built for himself, but the one he has hidden. The one where he helps first years, writes poems to his mother, and buys flowers for all the girls who got stood up at the Yule Ball. I like that part of him most.

"Y/n?" A hand was waved in front of my face. "Hello? Anyone in there?" My best friend, Haley, waved her hand in front of my face.
"What?" I replied, blinking out of my thoughts.
"You weren't even paying attention." She sighed. "I talk for one minute and you zone out." She stared at me as I slouched back in my chair.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." She did the same, meeting my level in her chair. 
"So was I." She paused to sigh. "Thinking about Blaise." Her eyes drifted across the classroom to her crush, Blaise, who sat next to the boy who was supposed to be my 'enemy'.
"You should go talk to him. You're prettier than the girl who's talking up a storm now-"
"Alright, class, settle down." Professor Burbage said as she practically skipped into the classroom. The giddiest teacher I've seen in this whole school. "As we're all aware, our field trip is next week and we have yet to assign partners for the trip. You will be assigned to someone with the same grade, as requested by Miss. Granger."
I rolled my eyes. "So no shot at being partners."
"It's not my fault your miss 'straight-Os'." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You could be too if you actually did anything in this class. It's muggle studies, not rocket science." I replied.
"What's rocket science?" I ignored her comment, returning my attention back to the professor.
"Hermione with Amy, Linsey with Marco, Haley with Blaise-"
Haley gripped my arm in a grip so tight I felt my arm had been chopped off. "Oh my god" she spoke in a breathy tone, a small smile on her face. I rolled my eyes at her excitement.
"Draco and Y/n, Francis and Ron-" my eyes widened more than I thought they could.
"I guess I'm not the only one who gets to see their crush" Haley laughed at my unamused expression. "Come on; I could cut the tension between you two with a knife."


"She can't do that." I paced back and forth in my shared room. "Assigning us partners was already bad, but making us share room!? Does she want half the class to get harassed on this trip! She could at least let us have rooms with people we choose."
"I am in no way complaining. I share a room with Blaise. Don't ruin this for me." She pleaded. "Just pack your bags and stop worrying. If it's really bothering you, we could find a way to swap your room with Blaise."
"Thank you, Haley." I muttered, picking up my wand and waving it, placing neatly folded clothes in my suitcase.
The train leaves in fifteen minutes, so Haley and I left early, trying to meet up with her Gryffindor cousin and his friends on the way over there.

"Fred, I swear" Haley cursed at her cousin's best friends. He had already gave her a candy that temporary gave her a beard.
"Relax, it'll go away in a few minutes. Just a prototype, not the actual thing." He replied, slouching down in his seat next to Haley, who sat across from me. George yawned, stretching his limbs out.
"How long is this trip?" Lee asked, already placing his head on the table in the middle.
"Should be around 6 hours." The rest of the car groaned in response.
"I am not staying awake for this shit." George muttered, turning to face me as he laid his head on my shoulder. His eyes were already closed within seconds. Haley and Fred were arguing, and Lee was probably already fast asleep. Deciding to join them, I rested my head on top of George's and closed my eyes.

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