Draco Malfoy*

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One of the loudest places in Hogwarts has to be the Slytherin common room. I was only trying to read a book when a rather loud group of people walked in. There was already a few people talking amongst themselves, which I didn't mind, but this group was obnoxiously louder than everyone else.
In this group just so happened to be my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy.
He was laughing with his friends. His laugh was the first thing that caught my attention. I love his laugh, and the way he tilts his head back ever so slightly when he can't stop laughing at something. I glanced over at him from my spot in one of the chairs near the fire. The back of the chair was facing them, so I could tell Draco hasn't noticed I was in the room.
"All jokes aside, how have you and Y/n been?" I recognized Blaise's voice over the laughter, and his tone seemed a little quieter.
After the laughter died down a little, Draco replied. "She's amazing. We've been doing really well." Just from the tone of his voice, I could tell that he was smiling. His voice was higher pitched when he was smiling.
"Amazing? Amazing at what?" Pansy taunted him, playing with his words.
"Amazing at everything she does." He added, voice a little deeper. "She's almost too good to be true." I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, which made me hide more behind my book. I found myself reading the same sentence over and over again, not being able to focus on my book with Draco's conversation in my head.
Crabbe and Goyle's laughter drug me from my trance of Draco's words and back into eavesdropping on their conversation. "From what I'm hearing, she seems to be the dominant one in your relationship." Pike said. Without looking over at them, I knew that Draco would not like to hear that. His pride was too big to be told that he was the submissive one out of the two of us.
"Please." He said. "If anything, I'm the one who has her begging beneath me." I had to stop myself from giggling at his comment.
"Really?" Blaise had a suspicious tone. "Are you sure that's the way it goes, because from the way you follow her around-"
"I just like to walk her to her classes. What's the deal with that?" He cut Blaise off, getting defensive. How dare anyone question his dominance? "But seriously, do you really think that I would let her be the dominant one?"


I knocked on Draco's dorm door. I could hear his feet quickly shuffling to the door as he unlocked and opened it for me. He had a big smile on his face as he pulled me by the hand into his dorm.
"What took you so long?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
"I had to get changed, love" I replied, wrapping my arms around Draco, returning his hug.
"You could've changed here." He argued. "You have a drawer full of your clothing here."
"I know, but I wanted something from my dorm first." He pulled away from the hug, pouting his lips a little.
"Come on," He again pulled me by the hand to his bed, letting me lay down first before he gently laid his head on my stomach, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"You know, I heard something interesting earlier today." I started to play with his soft, blonde hair. He hummed in response. "I was reading in the common room when I overhead you saying something to your friends about being the dominant one in our relationship." He looked up at me, and I could feel his heart beat hammering against my body. "Do you really think that's true?"
He shook his head. "No ma'am." He whispered.
I pushed him off of me, moving to straddle his waist as he quickly moved to sit up. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want my friends to know,"
His words trailed off as he realized the hole he dug himself in. "You just didn't want your friends to know how easily you listen to every word I say?" I teased. "How easily I can get you to beg." He moved his head down as he played with his hands. "Look at me." He quickly complied, moving his eyes to look back into mine.
I closed the gap between our bodies to pull him into a kiss. My tongue easily slipped into his parted mouth, toying with his own. My hands moved up and down his sides as his moved to hold onto my hips. He moaned into my mouth as my hands tugged at my hair. I pulled away, receiving a slight groan of unsatisfaction. My lips quickly made their way to his neck, sucking and biting, leaving a trail of red marks as i made my way to his soft spot. A gasp left his lips as i sucked a rather large red mark, receiving his soft groans as i continued to suck on his neck. I continued to move down his body, pulling his shirt off of him in the process.
I continued to kiss down his chest until i finally made it to his sweatpants. "May I?" I asked toying with the hem of his pants.
"Yes please." He whined. In a swift motion, I pulled off his hands and boxers, leaving his entire body exposed to me. His dick was hard, hitting his stomach as his boxers finally released him.
Without another word, I moved my body so I was laying between his legs and slowly licked his head. A groan left his lips as I took his tip into my mouth, circling it with my tongue. I looked up at him to see his head thrown back against the head board. One of his hands found it's way to my hair, holding it in a ponytail to keep it out of my face, and the other was holding onto the headboard behind him.
I slowly took more of him into my mouth, making sure to tease him along the way. For every bit I took in my mouth, I'd come back up and take a little less, than more the next time just to see the impatience in his movements and the gleam in his eyes. Finally, I pushed my head all the way down, forcing my nose to touch his stomach, looking up at him teary eyed as groans exploded from his throat. My name continued to flow from him like a river, along with a lot of quiet pleads to keep going.
"Fuck~" He muttered. "I'm not going to last much longer." His grip on my hair tightened as i continued to take his entire dick in my mouth. I felt him twitch, and shortly after I felt his load explode into my mouth.
I slowly came off his dick, keeping eye contact with him as I over exaggerated a swallow.
"God, your so hot." His voice was faint, and a little hoarse. Hopefully nobody had a quiet room near us, or Draco would feel the embarrassment tomorrow.


I walked to breakfast with my hand in Draco's as we went to sit with his friends. I decided today to let my friends a few people over talk with themselves, for I waited desperately to hear the conversation to come of this group.
Draco's hair was messy from sleeping in, and he looked a little disheveled.
"Draco," Blaise started, poking at something on his neck. "That is definitely not the work of a hair straightener." He stifled a laugh as the rest of the group moved to see the left side of Draco's neck. I smiled to myself as his cheeks flushed red, not realizing before he left the dorm that there was a giant red mark on his neck. The group immediately turned to me, eyes rapidly looking over my neck to see if I had any marks as well.
"I think you were bull shitting us yesterday." Pansy said, bursting out in laughter as Draco covered his face out of embarrassment.

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