Draco Malfoy

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Warnings: none, just a little short


"Father, please. I don't need a tutor" I insisted. My father glared at me, leaning on his cane.
"You have a 47 in Astronomy!" Father exclaimed. "How idiotic do you have to be to fail in a class about stars?" He yelled. "I excelled in this class, it's simple."
"The professor-"
"I don't want to hear any excuses, boy" he cut me off. "I don't have time for your nonsense, so I got you a tutor. Some girl from your school."
"Please, father. I assure you I will get my grade up quickly without a tutor. It will ruin my reputation!" I tried to argue.
"My reputation is already on the line because of you, boy." He pointed his cane at me, eyebrows furrowed and face in a scowl. "You listen here, and I'll only say this once, you will get tutored, you will show up, and you will try. If you don't get your grade up, so help me."
"Yes sir" I replied, defeated.
"Go to your room, I can't stand the sight of you right now."


I returned to school after break, defeated and tired from studying. Father told me who would be studying me. I recognize her name. She's a Slytherin, of course. Father wouldn't have anyone else.
As I walked into the library, I searched for a familiar face. I saw none. Only people with blue scarfs with the exception of Hermione Granger. I walked further into the library, until I saw a girl sitting alone at a table, green tie around her neck, looking tired and bored. Assuming she was the tutor my father asked for, I sat across from her. She immediately looked up, her eyes meeting my own. "Draco, right?" I nodded in response.
"Can we just get this over with, I don't want help and I certainly don't need it." I snapped. She raised an eyebrow at my reaction.
"I beg to differ, and so do your grades." She opened one of her folders, pulling out a paper. "10% on our planetary formation quiz, 60% on the moons test, and you don't hand in most of the work." She put the paper down, and opened one of the books, flipping until she found a certain page. "What do you think you struggle with the most? Is it memorization, or paying attention?"
"I don't struggle at all."
"So then are you just getting 10% for funzies?" She retorted. "If you could at least try to cooperate right now, this would go by a lot quicker."
"Was that so hard?"


I've been tutored by Y/n for three long weeks now. Sure, it's helping. If I'm being honest, it's helped plenty. I've even blown off parties to be with her.
If I actually tried, I could get 100s on every test we would take, but I don't want this to end. I don't want to stop talking to her. Though that sounds stupid, I would get heavily made fun of if I ditched Pansy or Blaise for some random Slytherin girl they didn't know. For some reason, I care about what they think. From what I've learned, Y/n doesn't. Just for helping me, she's been called practically every name in the book, ranging from suck up to slut. Every time she blows them off. She ignores them, and I couldn't explain with a million words how much I wish that I could do that.
Ignoring the world around me.
Maybe I should start to try.
"Draco?" I blinked as her voice flowed into my ears. "Are you paying attention?" She asked.
"No, what where you saying?" I replied as I felt my face go red.
"I was asking you if you where alright. Your blank stare and dead eyes made you look like a ghost." She laughed.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She gave a small smile, yet it's one I wish I could see every day of the week.
She closed her book, pushing it up into the air for the book to go back onto its proper place on the shelf.
"It's been two hours, so I guess I'll see you later." She said, getting up from her seat.
"Y/n," I paused.
"Yes?" God her voice is so perfect.
"Maybe we could go out to hogsmade instead." A smile formed on her face. 
"That sounds nice."

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