Fred Weasley

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Warnings: none :))


I love Sundays. We never had any classes, and i usually finished all my homework on Saturday, so it was a relaxed day for me. That relaxed day was usually occupied by my boyfriend, Fred, and sometimes his twin. Today, I could tell that something was off.
"Y/n! Wait up, love!" I turned around to smile at my boyfriend, who was jogging to catch up to me. "What's up Fred?" I replied, intertwining his fingers with my own. His hands were soft and smooth, but he kept his hand still, slightly swinging out arms as he walked. For some reason, it felt off. He didn't run his thumb over my hand, and his hands were a little warm, but they were usually cold.
"Am I not aloud to talk to my beautiful girlfriend?" He smirked, moving his hand from mine to around my shoulder. He continued to walk with me through the park before I went to sit down on a bench that wasn't our usual one. For some reason, Fred felt off. I wanted to see if he would notice that we weren't directly under his favorite cherry blossom tree.
When we sat down, he didn't say a word about the bench, and how we usually sat on the next one down. Weird.
I slipped my bag from my shoulder, taking one of my books out and began to read. Fred occupied himself beside me by reading my book with me, which he never did. He would do anything to get out of reading. George on the other hand, found excuses to read so that he wouldn't be seen as a nerd. It seemed like something clicked in my mind as I realized that this wasn't Fred at all. It was George.
They had switched placed. They are so stupid.
"Can you please carry this for me." I gave George my best puppy dog eyes as I placed another book in his arms.
"Sure." He tried to sound enthusiastic, but the look on his face showed nothing but annoyance. George still didn't know I figured out he switched with Fred, so I was messing with him. I have to admit, this was fucking hilarious.
"Thank you, my little boo bear." I tried my best not to cringe at my own words. I sounded like a couple straight from some muggle TV show, and I hated it, but the look on George's face made it worth it.
"Of course" he said through clenched teeth.
"Oh my god!" George exclaimed.
"What's wrong Freddie!" I asked, immediately rushing over to my 'boyfriend', smothering his face in kisses.
"I can't do this any more!" He stood up from my bed, a few books falling in the process. "I'm not Fred. I'm George. I don't know how the fuck he puts up with you all the time." As soon as he finished his sentence, I burst out laughing. "What?" He paused. "What's so funny?"
"You think I didn't know?" I tried to catch my breath, but I couldn't. "You and Fred may look alike, but you two are completely different. Your hands feel different, and Fred would've known that i sat on the wrong bench earlier. Plus, you don't act very similar either."
"When did you realize?" He exclaimed, face growing red.
"I thought something was off when you grabbed my hand, but I knew for sure after I didn't sit under the cherry blossom tree." George looked at me with a mad look.
"You knew the whole fucking time! I carried your shit for a hour!" He lightly punched me in the shoulder. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. "You little bitch!"
"Did Fred switch places with you?" I asked, beginning to walk with him.
"He did, but chickened out when Angelina tried to kiss him." He continued to walk with me. "At least he's loyal. I would never pass up a chance to make out with the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts."
I let out an exaggerated gasp at his words. "How rude!" I playfully shoved him as we kept walking.


A short and kinda sweet one :) don't forget to send in some requests! I will to all characters!!

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