Hermione Granger

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Bookworm, teachers pet, etc. All names that I've been called in the past few years I've been at Hogwarts, which makes people even more surprised that I'm best friends with Y/n. Besides being in the same house, Y/n and I don't seem to have very much in common. She's a very outgoing girl, always going to parties, getting laid, having fun. Yet somehow, she chose to be friends with me. I mean, she's absolutely perfect. She's beautiful, funny, kind, the whole lot, and I'm just me. Nerdy, poofy-haired muggle born.

"Hermione, come on." Y/n insisted. "You'll have fun, I promise. Their parties are the best!" She pleaded with me to go to another one of the twin's parties. She was kinda friends with them, but I think they invited her mostly to get some entertainment at the party. Like I said earlier, she's a hard partier.
"I never fit in there. Plus, I don't want to get in trouble." I closed my book, placing it on my nightstand.
"Most people don't fit in there. If you let lose a little, you might get Ron's attention." She grinned at me from her position on my bed.
I wish she knew I had no interest in Ron. Truthfully, I have no interest in men at all. I found out when I bumped into Pansy third year and I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. That attraction quickly faded, but there's one that's stayed. One that I know I need to shake off.
"I'll go, if you promise to study for the OWLS with me tomorrow." She groaned in response.
"Sunday. Never the day after a party, my head would be pounding too loud for me to even comprehend what's in front of me." Y/n rolled off my bed, walking over to my trunk of clothes. "In the meantime, let's find you something hot to wear."

"How's my favorite fifth year doing tonight?" Fred asked as he opened the door to the R.O.R for Y/n and I.
"And you got Hermione to shed her skin a little." George had a surprised look on his face. I looked down a little out of embarrassment. Y/n found a tighter black shirt and plaid skirt for me to wear.
My embarrassing soon faded to jealousy as I watched eyes wonder over Y/n's body. She wore a tight black cropped shirt that cut low on her chest along with small black shorts. I can admit, she looked absolutely stunning, but I didn't want anyone else to see her like that.
Fred and George stared at me, studying my face for a minute until I looked back at them. "What?" I asked.
"Who are you staring at?" They walked behind me to follow where my eyes were. "Ron's not here yet, long shot it was a Slytherin." Fred paused.
"Holy shit." George muttered.
"What?" Fred asked.
"Are you staring at Y/n?" George whispered, slightly jumping up and down at his sudden realization.
"Of course not." I paused. "She's my best friend. I wouldn't like her like that." I didn't want them to mock me or call me names for not liking who I was supposed to like.
George smirked down at me. "Yeah, and Ron doesn't like food."
"I didn't think you'd be into someone like her." Fred said.
"Yeah, I thought you'd like someone like Neville." George added. "But, Ron was a bit of a shock, and Y/n is pretty hot."
Before they could say anything else, I walked away to get something to drink. Not wanting anything alcoholic, I stuck to some pumpkin juice I found, hoping that it wasn't spiked yet.
Y/n walked up behind me, red cup in hand as she poured herself some fire-whiskey.
"Please don't get too drunk, I don't want you to get sick." I told her, finishing my drink.
"Don't worry, Mione. I'll be fine!" She replied, quickly finishing her drink and throwing out her cup. "Dance with me!"
She grabbed both of my hands, pulling me into the crowd of dancing kids. "You know I'm not a good dancer." I yelled over the music.
"You're not alone!" She yelled back.
Her confidence is something I've always admired. She could easily dance as if no one's watching.
Jealousy yet again filled my senses as guys touched her, trying to dance with her, but she slapped their hands away, saying something to them that I could hear.
"Oh my god, Mione, I love this song!" She exclaimed, grabbing my hands again as she got closer to me. I felt my face heat up at the closeness. Her body was practically rubbing against my own due to the small space we had.
Song after song played and more and more guys placed their attention on Y/n. I managed to pull her out of the large crowd of people and to a less crowded, quieter section of the party. I noticed Harry, Ron, the twins, and a few other Gryffindors sitting on some comfy chairs. After Y/n grabbed some more alcohol, we joined them. She sat down next to me on one of the loveseats, sipping on her drink as the rest of them held conversation over the less-loud music.
"Why don't we play a game." Fred suggested.
"Truth or dare maybe?" George added, staring directly at me.
"Sure!" Y/n replied, the rest of them having similar responses.
"I'll go first," George started. "Truth or dare, Ron?"
The game started easy, with funny truths and dares that ranged from Harry having to chug a beer to Ron licking some poor kid's foot. As more alcohol was consumed, the dares began to get heavier, having people practically give lap dances to their friends and other weird stuff.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" Fred asked.
"Dare." She replied, putting her empty drink down next to her.
"I dare you to," he paused to think. "Kiss the hottest person in the room."
Her eyes looked around the group before they landed on me. A smile grew on her face as she placed a hand on my cheek. My eyes widened and I felt my face grow red. "Are you okay with this?" She asked. I only nodded in response. With a smile, she pressed her lips to mine.
The kiss started innocently, but that soon grew to her tongue in my mouth, the taste of alcohol flooding my senses. A wolf whistle seemed to bring her back to reality as she slowly pulled away. My eyes slowly opened, meeting hers.
"Bloody hell." Ron said. I turned and looked at the group, their mouths wide open, except for the twins, who wore a smile on their face as they winked at me.
I looked back over at Y/n, whose lipstick was now smuggled and mixed with my own, a smirk on her face as she wiped off the lipstick around her lips.


~ Y/N'S POV ~

I woke up, head pounding and hair a mess. I was still in the same clothes as last night. I got up, only to see Hermione next to me, fast asleep in a similar condition as myself. Smiling to myself, I walked into the bathroom and took of the makeup I was wearing, taking a Tylenol before changing my clothes and bringing some out for Hermione when she wakes up.
"Fuck, my head hurts." I turned around when I heard the profanity come from her mouth.
"I don't think I've even heard you curse before, Mione." I teased before handing her some medicine and a small cup of water.
"Do you remember what happened yesterday?" She asked, a hopeful look on her face.
"I do up to a point. I don't remember shit after we started dancing again."
"Me neither." She replied. "We need to talk."
I sat down next to her. "I know, but can we do all the lovey shit later. For now, I just want to hear four words from you." I paused. "Hermione, I like you. I mean, really like you. I'd even go as far as saying I love you, so-"
"I love you too." She cut me off, a smile on her face.
"Thank god." I quickly reached forward, softly grabbing her face and placing my lips back where they belonged.

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