Fred and George Weasley*

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WARNINGS: Smut/oral (female receiving)


Gryffindor parties are the best, especially when Fred and George throw them. My two best friends are somehow masters at knowing how to have a good time, and what games to play while trying to slow the drinking.
Now that some people are wasted and others tipsy, Fred suggested a 'friendly' game of truth or dare.
A bunch of us sat in a semi-large circle and began to play. I was in between Fred and George on a common room couch, waiting for the first question asked.
"I guess I'll start." Ginny spoke up. "Hermione, truth or dare."
"Truth." Some people booed at her answer, as Hermione looked nervous as she waited for Ginny's response.
"Who is the hottest teacher that's worked here?" Ginny had a smirk on her face as Hermione's eyes widened.
"Why did I agree to play this." She muttered. "Don't judge, but Professor Lupin." Red emerged all over her checks as she hid her face in Ron's shoulder.
"Now you have to ask someone else." Ginny added.
"Fine. Harry, truth or dare?" She asked.
"Dare." He smirked.
"I dare you to eat a raw onion."

The game continued on with weird questions, and dares, which started to turn into sexual questions and making out with random people in the circle. As of right now, Ron and Harry are brushing their teeth since they both had to kiss, Lavender is crying because Ron and Harry kissed, Hermione is pissed, and some people are drunk and passed out.
"Truth or dare, Y/n." Katie asked.
"Truth." I replied, not wanting to do some of the gross dares that were being handed out.
"Lame." She scoffed. "Okay. Who's better with their tongue. Fred or George?"
"How the fuck would I know?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"You guys are always around each other. We just assumed you were fucking." She shrugged. "Just guess."
"Probably," I paused for a second, both boys looking at me. "Fred. Sorry George."
A smirk formed on Fred's face before he stuck his tongue out at George. "It's just a guess, Fred. Don't hold your head too high."
"It still means something that she guessed me." He remarked, keeping that goofy grin on his face.

"No, Fred your not." George snapped, getting in Fred's face. It's been a day and they still haven't dropped the whole 'who's better with their tongue' thing. It's really getting on my nerves.
"Will you please just shut up." I said, rolling my eyes as I turned a page in my book, trying to study like we were supposed to do for our upcoming herbology test.
"Hey Y/n~" Fred said, dragging out my name. He pushed my book down so I'd look him in the eyes. "You know, we found a way that would settle this whole debate."
"And what would that be?" I asked, marking the page I was on and closing my book.
"You." Fred started.
"We were thinking, because you are our bestest friend in the whole wide world-" George paused.
"You would let us settle this debate by having you decide who's better. Me or George." Fred continued George's sentence.
I felt my eyes go wide and face heat up. "Absolutely not." I said, trying my best to keep a stern voice without stuttering.
"Come on, Y/n." Fred pleaded.
"Please, for us!" George continued.
"No means no. I'm not doing it." I replied.
"Fine." Fred huffed, crossing his arms like a child.

I should've known that the two boys wouldn't drop it. They've been asking for two days straight. It's getting really fucking annoying.
Yet, for some reason, I find myself imagining it. I know, it's gross to imaging your two best friends eating me out. Even though I keep saying no, this morning, I shaved my whole body. I never do that unless i know something is going to happen that day.
Today was no different than yesterday. Same classes, same seats in between the red headed twins, and similar boring lectures from professors. Fred and George kept passing notes to each other, ignoring my looks of confusion. Usually, they would just say it out loud, not caring if they get caught by a teacher.
My confusion got clearer as Fred's hand rested on my thigh. George did the same, drawing patterns on my bare skin. Fred's hand began to travel up higher, but I pushed his hand back lower. He stayed there for a few seconds before his hand started to travel up again, this time I didn't stop him. He pushed my crossed legs down and with the help of George, pulled them slightly apart. His hand drifted under my skirt and to the bottoms of my underwear. He pushed it aside as his fingers found their way to my clit, pinching and rubbing circles on it. George's hand stayed put, continuing to rub up and down on my thigh.
I shifted in my seat, trying to move my legs closer, only to be stopped by their hands. Fred began to tease my entrance with his fingertips, slowly putting them in.
"Y/n." George whispered. "Just imaging how much better this would feel if it was my tongue."
I tried my best to hide my faces if pleasure, fearing the professor would see them. His fingers continued to thrust in and out of me, and a knot began to form in my stomach.
There is no way in hell I'm letting him make me cum in fucking class.
"If you stop, I'll let you and George eat me out after class." I whispered to Fred. His movements slowly came to a stop as he pulled his fingers out of me and out from under my skirt. He brought them to his mouth, sucking my arousal from his fingers. George's hand never left my thigh, a smirk on his face.

We skipped the last two periods to go to their dorm since Lee wouldn't be there. I sat down on the edge of George's bed, waiting for them to say or do anything.
"Are you sure you want to do this, because if you don't, please say so." George said.
"I know we've been pestering you about it, but if you really don't want to, we can just watch a movie or something." Fred continued.
"I want to." As soon as those words left my lips, Fred almost pounced on me. His lips met mine in a hungry kiss as George came beside me and began to kiss down my neck. George pulled me from Fred's lips, replacing them with his own as Fred took his spot, sucking spots onto my neck.
My shirt was quickly discarded, as with my bra. Fred took my left nipple into his mouth as George did the same with my right. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second from their small actions.
Fred started to travel lower, pulling my skirt and panties down in one swift motion. He then quickly threw his shirt somewhere in the room. He pushed me onto my back as his hands latched around my thighs, pulling me onto his face.
A soft moan left my lips at the feeling of his mouth latching onto my core. His tongue flicked at my cunt, drawing patterns until he began to suck on my clit. The heat of his mouth on my pussy felt too good. George occupied his mouth by sucking hickeys all over my body. He started on my neck, and was now at the top of my breasts. Fred moved his tongue down lower to my hole, his tongue circling the rim before he plunged his tongue inside of me. His nose pressed up against my clit as his hands held my body down. George was now sucking on my nipples, making it so much harder to stay still.
A knot began to form in my stomach, begging to be released.
"Fuck~ Freddie I'm close." I managed to get out. He didn't stop. If anything, his tongue flicked faster on my heat. It didn't take long for the knot in my stomach to snap, releasing all over his face.
"My turn," I heard George say from behind me. He moved so that he was laying down on the bed, and swiftly took off his shirt. He pulled me over to him by my waist, pulling my thighs to straddle his face. I put a small amount of my weight onto his face as his arms wrapped around my thighs. He kissed all around my heat, teasing my already dripping core.
"Y/n, love, if you want this to feel good, put all of your body weight on me. Sit. I want you to." George told me, and I reluctantly did as he said. His nose was pressed up against my clit so hard I couldn't help but moan. Fred sat himself on the edge of his bed, ridding himself of his pants and boxers.
Out of nowhere, George began to suck on my clit. A moan escaped my mouth as i felt my legs tighten around his face. My left hand gripped the headboard to steady myself, as my right dug itself into George's hair. I couldn't help but tug at his hair, which resulted in a low groan that went directly to my core. I could see Fred out of the corner of my eye, slowly stroking his dick as he watched my face contort into expressions of pleasure. George's grip on my thighs tightened, almost pushing me down onto him even more then I already was.
As his tongue continued to lap at my clit, I couldn't help but start to rock ever so slightly on his face. Moans began to roll off of my tongue, encouraging George to keep going. His tongue suddenly plunged inside of my hole. I could feel my legs start to shake as my hips grinded on George's face. His hands tightened around my thighs even more to keep me in place, which caused my grip on his hair to become tighter. I could hear Fred groan over on my left as George continued to eat me out like I was his last meal. My body continued to shake as I felt my second orgasm of the night bottle up in my stomach.
"George, I'm so close." I muttered, and he replied by tapping my thigh, letting me know it was okay to come, as he mouth was too preoccupied. "Oh fuck~ Please don't stop."
The knot in my stomach snapped, and i released hard on his face. His tongue slowed as he lapped up all of the juices that left my pussy. I slowly moved off of his face, collapsing next to him. Fred went to the bathroom, probably to wash off his hand, and came back with a towel. He threw it at his brother.
"For your face." Fred said, laughing at how shiny George's face was from my arousal.
"Thanks." George replied, ridding his face of my juices before tossing the towel somewhere near their basket of laundry. "Now for the more important question, which was-"
"Who was better?" Fred finished for George, both boys staring at me with curiosity.
"I'm sorry Fred, but definitely George." I said, trying to stop my legs from shaking.
Fred huffed. "He got the second orgasm, that's always going to feel better"
"If Y/n is up to it, the next time we do it you can go second." George replied, pulling me onto him so that my head would rest on his chest.
"Not tonight." I replied, my voice muffled by George's chest.
"That wasn't a no!" Fred said excitedly, jumping over to George's bed, nearly landing on me.

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