PREFERANCE- fav body part

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Draco- He's definitely a boobs person. He likes to stare at them when you walk by, and loves to kiss them during sex.

Harry- Your arms. He loves the way that they feel wrapped around them, and how you hold his hand. He loves the comfort he gets from being in your arms.

Ron- He's secretly an ass guy. He tried to hide staring at your ass whenever you walk by. When you get comfortable with each other, he slaps your ass when you walk by him.

Hermione- Your eyes. She loves the way you look at her, and how your eyes light up when you see something you like.

Fred- Definitely a thigh kinda guy. He loves to lay his head on them. Thick thighs make him absolutely feral. He would leave love bites all over them, rest his hand on them and everything.

George- like Fred, he loves thighs. The first thing he notices is a girl's thick thighs. He loves to lay his hand on them, and the way they feel when they're straddling his face.

Remus- Your boobs. He very awkwardly would try to avert his gaze every time your tits are exposed, but ends up failing every time.

Sirius- Your thighs. He loves the way they wrap around his waste, cuddling or not, and the way they feel under his grasp.

Tom Riddle for delulu- Your smile. He loves it when he makes you smile. At first, it gave him a weird warm feeling, but once he realized it was happiness, he constantly tried to make you smile.

Tom Riddle in reality- Your height (if in some universe he would take interest in a girl). He likes to tower over you because it makes him feel powerful and in control.

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