George Weasley

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I wish it could stay winter in Hogwarts forever. The halls always smell like hot chocolate, though nobody knows where the smell is coming from. Everyone is looking forwards to Christmas, and even after, the giddy feeling still lingers in everyone.
Summer is the opposite. People start to care less, and the rooms get hot, along with wearing the robes consistently during the hot day.
As I sat in Snape's potions room, the heat of summer was getting to me more than often. It might've been the heat from the open window due to the smoke coming from our potions, or even the heat radiating from the small cauldron in the middle of my table that I shared with my favorite person, George.
I couldn't wait to rid myself of these long sleeves and stupidly heavy skirts we had to wear.
George's hand was drawing patterns on my thigh, trying his best to focus on the monotone voice at the front of the class, going on and on about how you have to precisely pick the petals from the golden daisy rather than pull them off, which didn't sound much different to me.
Finally, Snape dismissed us to go back to our dorms, as it was the last class of the day.
"Do you want to come back to my dorm? Fred is with Angelina, so we'd have the room to ourselves." George said as he put my books into his bag along with his own.
"Why not." I replied. He grabbed my hand into his own as we began our walk back to the Gryffindor common room. His thumb continued to rub over my hand as we walked.

Once we reached his dorm, he threw his bag down on the couch in the corner of his room and stripped himself from his robe. Throwing it on the floor. "It's bloody scorching in this building." He said, taking off his shirt as well. "I know you didn't bring any clothes with you, so your welcome to take some of mine."
I smiled at him as he walked over to the bathroom. I took out a pair of his boxers and a black shirt with red and white patterns over it. I quickly changed into them, not wanting George to come out and see me naked.
I neatly placed my robes over a chair in his dorm before I collapsed onto his bed, tired and slightly cooler than I was before.
George walked back into the room, turning on the fans in his room in the process, and flopped down next to me. "Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked, holding up the muggle remote from beside him.
"Yes," I paused. "What movie?"
"That's up to you, love." He replied, sitting up against the headboard.
"What about the shining?" I offered, watching as George smiled and pulled my body into his own, my back against his front and his arms wrapped around my body.
This felt perfect. The fans had made his room cool enough to where it was the perfect temperature for cuddling, and the movie was perfect because it had just enough suspense for George to hold me tighter throughout the movie. Tonight is going to be perfect.

The movie was beginning to get intense, blood was pouring from an elevator, and George's grip had yet again tightened. I reached one arm up to his hair, trying to pull him down for a kiss, but instead his gaze fell upon something else. I watched as his eyes widened and a sense of guilt watched over me.
What the fuck do i do? I don't want him to see that! Today was going perfect. Why did I have to ruin it.
"Y/n," George's voice trailed off as he paused the movie and turned on the light. "Please tell me these aren't what I think they are."
I didn't know what to say. "They are." There was no point in lying. He knew.
He's going to want to break up with me. There's no way he could love me with these. At least he hasn't seen my other ones, maybe I'll be fine.
One of his hands came up to cup my cheek, the other was still placed on my arm as he pulled me in for a hug. I could hear his muffled cries, despite his efforts to hide them.
I'm a terrible person. I made him cry. He's sad because of me. I ruined everything.
As George continued to sniff, he got up from the bed and walked to one of his drawers. I tried to hold back my tears, praying that this isn't going to be the last time he looks at me normally.
He came back to the bed with something in his hand. He lifted my arm and began to place gentle kisses along my scars. After he was satisfied, he pulled the cap off of the marker he found and began to draw hearts on each of the lines that scattered over my arm.
My eyes welled with tears as I watched him continue to draw small hearts on my arm. I didn't think he would've acted this way, let alone want to still see them.
"Please be honest with me, my love." He started. "Are they anywhere else?" I slowly nodded my head. "Can I see them?" Again, I slowly nodded, letting a tear slip from my eye as I pulled up George's shirt I was wearing and the bottom of the boxers I had on, revealing the many bumpy scars that took up the majority of the space on my right leg.
George did the same thing. He kissed over each one of my scars, then drew hearts over all of the marks.
Tears began to run down my face, but not the kind that usually came up when I saw my scars. The kind where you can't help it because of one act from another.
He closed the cap to the marker before pulling my shirt back down, then flipped us over so that my head was resting on his chest.
"Do you still love me?" I couldn't help but ask, fear bubbling up inside me like bile.
"Of course I do, Y/n." He placed a gentle kiss to my head before he began to run his fingers through my hair. "I will love you forever, and you struggling will never change that. Please don't feel the need to hide your pain from me."
"I don't want to make it your pain." My arms wrapped around his body again, causing his to wrap around my own.
"My love, I want you to give me some of this pain. I don't want you to live here in sorrow, and if I could take all this misery from you, I would." He paused, voice cracked ever so slightly. "I need you to tell me what's going on so I can help you. You don't have to tell me tonight, or even tomorrow. I will always wait until your ready."
I couldn't help but smile at the words of my boyfriend. "I love you, George."
"And I will never stop loving you, Y/n."

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