𝐈𝐕 . 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

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"Be on your guard! We're about to step over the edge of the wild!" Thorin announced to the company, "Balin, you know these paths. Lead on."

"Thorin, I believe Mylaela knows them better than I," Balin commented, gesturing towards the Elf.

"She is to stay at the back," he ordered, stepping aside for Balin to pass him. Mylaela had no protests, she preferred being able to see all of the company.

The company began on their silent journey once more, across plains and to a mountain. As the company made their way onto the narrow passage on the side of a cliff, a wicked storm began brewing.

Mylaela worried for the safety of the company as the rain pummeled down on them, causing the rocks to become rather slippery. Her suspicions were correct as Bilbo slipped, rocks crumbling beneath him.

Luckily for him, Dwalin and Bofur were quick enough to pull him back.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin shouted over the storm.

"There is a cave a little ways ahead!" Mylaela suggested as Dwalin shouted from in front of her, "Look out!"

Mylaela glanced up, a large boulder was sent flying into the mountain above them.

"This is no thunderstorm!" Balin shouted worriedly, "It's a thunder battle! Look!"

One of the adjacent mountains began moving, taking the form of a man. The stone giant grabbed a large boulder, throwing it at another giant that had appeared behind them.

"Well, bless me," Bofur shouted in astonishment, "The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!"

"Take cover you fool!" Thorin shouted as Bofur remained on the edge of the rock, being pulled back. Mylaela stumbled backward as the mountain they were standing on began to move.

She glanced at the rest of the company, watching as the mountain split into two between Fili and Kili.

"Hold on Master Baggins!" Mylaela shouted as the giant they were standing on began to move. She hooked her foot between two rocks in hopes to give herself more support as the opposite leg of the giant slammed into an opposing mountain.

The dwarves on the other leg leaped onto the other mountain to safety, while Mylaela and the rest of the company struggled to stay on the stone giant's leg.

Another giant grabbed a boulder, throwing it at the head of the one the company resided on, sending its head clean off. The stone giant stumbled, its leg leaning towards the side of the mountain.

Mylaela genuinely feared for her life as they went flying into the side of the mountain, opening her eyes to see the rest of the company in a pile on the ledge.

Suddenly Mylaela's relief disappeared as Bofur looked around, "Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?"

The sight of fingers on the edge of the cliff sent her flying towards him, reaching out to grab for his hands just as he slipped. In the spur of the moment, Thorin jumped down next to him, throwing the Hobbit up onto the ledge. Just as he attempted to climb back up, he slipped, grabbing Dwalin's hand just in time.

Mylaela grabbed the back of his armor, jerking him up to sit on the ledge as well.

"I thought we lost our burglar," Dwalin huffed in relief, Thorin however was not so happy, "He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us."

"Thorin!" Mylaela shouted in defense, an unamused expression on his face as he stormed off.

"Dwalin!" He shouted, gesturing to the opening of the cave. Mylaela ushered everyone in before entering last.

"Right, then. Let's get a fire started," Gloin dropped a pile of wood, Thorin stopping him, "No. No fires. Not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light."

Mylaela walked to the entrance of the cave, a weary feeling washing over her.

"You seem worried," a voice spoke from beside her, belonging to the youngest of Durin's Sons. Mylaela nodded before looking down at her hands, "I worry being in a cave, we can not see enemies approaching."

"Bofur is keeping first watch, if anything appears he will alert us."

Mylaela looked down at him before back at Thorin, "I do not trust it."

"I began to overuse my powers, the more I used them, the weaker my body became," Mylaela sighed, "I swore to not use them unless I had no choice."

"It's just for the night," she muttered to herself, "Nothing should reach us by the first light."

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