𝐗𝐈𝐈 . 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬

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The company continued their journey through the forest, Fili, Bifur, Kili, Bofur, and Dwalin carrying Bombur on a makeshift gurney.

"We need to take a rest!" Nori called, the company sitting Bombur down. Mylaela became overly dizzy, falling against a tree for support. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a vine wiggling towards her, the Elf quickly pulled her sword out to swing, only it hit nothing. The vine vanished as if it was never there.

"You almost chopped my head off!" Fili shouted from in front of her, a look of shock on both of their faces, "There, there was a vine."

"Voices. Can you hear them?" Bilbo questioned the company, Mylaela attempting to hear anything.

"I hear nothing," Thorin responded, "No wind. No birdsong. What hour is it?"

"I do not know," Dwalin muttered, looking off blankly into the distance, "I do not even know what day it is."

"We never should have come through Mirkwood," Mylaela spat, rubbing a hand down her face.

"This is taking too long. Is there no end to this accursed forest!" Thorin shouted, a small flinch coming from Mylaela. Suddenly the Dwarf King began to lead the company in another direction, sure that he knew where he was going.

Upon completely losing the path, the company seemed to be walking in circles. Mylaela stumbled as she walked, it was as if her feet were moving opposite of how her brain told them.

She turned to face Dwalin, though it was no longer Dwalin standing next to her.

"Father?" She muttered at the familiar face, her father giving her a strange look back, "I am not your father."

Mylaela blinked, Dwalin once more coming into sight. Mylaela tripped over a root, grasping on to the first outstretched hand, "Thank you, Gloin."

Ori crouched down to the ground, picking something up, "Look."

"A tobacco pouch," Dori observed, taking it from the younger Dwarf's hands, "There's Dwarves in these woods."

"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less," Bofur added, grabbing the pouch as well, "This is exactly the same as mine."

"Because it is yours," Bilbo interrupted, clearly irritated, "Do you understand? We're going 'round in circles. We're lost."

"We are not lost," Thorin countered, "We keep going East."

"We have turned directions so many times, we do not know which direction we are heading," Mylaela whined, desperately wanting to just get out of the horrid place. The Elf zoned out in distress as the Dwarves began to bicker about where the sun was, and who had lost it.

A voice seemed to be calling out to Mylaela, her eyes snapping towards the distance. With no regard to the Dwarves around her, she stumbled towards it.

"Daeron?" She muttered, straying far from the path the Dwarves were on. The voice suddenly disappeared, Mylaela turning back to see the Dwarves nowhere in sight.

"Mylaela!" The familiar voice called out once more.

"Daeron!" She called out, sprinting off into the distance. The longer she ran towards the voice, the further it seemed to be getting. Mylaela stopped once more, spinning around in circles in a daze.


This time, the voice was directly behind her. Turning on her heel, she turned to face someone she believed to be long gone, "Daeron?"

"What are you doing here?"

Mylaela shook her head, stumbling backwards away from him, "No, this is a trick. The forest is playing tricks on me. Why would it show me you?"

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now