𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 . 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧

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"We have no time," Tauriel announced, walking into the building, "Get her up, we must go."

Mylaela slowly shifted her legs to the edge, standing up from the table. Bain walked up to Tauriel, "We're not leaving. Not without our father."

"If you stay here, your sisters will die," Tauriel warned him, "Is that what your father would want?"

"Bain, listen to Tauriel," Mylaela assured him, "I will find your father."

"You will not!" Fili snapped, "You nearly just died! Take one moments rest!"

Mylaela narrowed her eyes at her friend, "There is no rest when lives are at stake. Tauriel, protect the children."

"I don't know what will kill you first," Legolas groaned, unsheathing his weapons, "Your loyalty or your stubbornness. I will stick with her."

"Shall we meet again," Mylaela smiled at the Dwarves, forcing herself to painfully run out the front door with the Elven Prince. Her eyes grazed the panicked citizens, Bard being nowhere in sight.

"This way," Mylaela directed, running down a dock, calling Bard's name. The first strike of fire was sent down upon the city, the air immediately growing hot.

Mylaela paused in her path, pulling up a man who had fallen into the freezing waters. Once she was sure he was safe, she began her venture once more.

The city became engulfed in flames within minutes, the screams of pain filling the air. Mylaela grimaced at the sound, but focused on her main objective.

"There!" She shouted, pointing to a rooftop. Bard clung to the side of it before running to jump across to another, and then another, "He's heading to the tower!"

Mylaela and Legolas ran towards his destination, jumping across boats to make it there quicker.

"Smaug is after him!" She addressed, grabbing her bow. Mylaela knew her arrows could not pierce his hide, but at least she could distract the beast. Stopping for a moment, she drew back her bow, firing an arrow.

Hitting its mark, the dragon brought its attention to her, "Legolas, now would be the time to run."

The two sprinted down the path, jumping into the icy cold water as he attempted to strike them with his fire.

"That was a horrible idea," Legolas panted as they resurfaced, a playful grin on Mylaela's face, "But it worked."

The two climbed back onto the docks, looking up to see Bard had made it to the top of the tower. Mylaela nodded at the Prince, once again running towards the structure. A small figure reached the tower just as they did, "Bain? What are you doing here?"

"I have to help him," he cried, holding up a black arrow. Mylaela grabbed the young boy's face, "You are a brave boy. Go, take it to him."

Bain began climbing up the tower, Mylaela giving Legolas another questionable grin, "What now?"

"I have to give Bard the best chance to slay the dragon," she ran to a building, leaping up. Her hand grasped onto the ledge, but the stretch of her abdomen brought a cry of pain to her lips. Legolas pushed her feet up, allowing her to reach the top of the roof, him quickly behind her.

"Listen," Mylaela began to explain, being stopped in her tracks as Smaug ran into the tower, tearing off the top half. She gasped slightly as Bain hung on to the edge of the tower, his father successfully pulling him back on top.

Once seeing Bard and Bain were still okay, she turned back to Legolas, "You can leave now if you wish."

"It's a little too late for that."

Mylaela drew back her bow once more, firing arrows away at the beast. Legolas joined her as well, hoping to keep the dragon distracted. They both ceased their actions as the dragon perched itself atop a building, turning to Bard, "Who are you that would stand against me?"

Bard reaching for his bow, which had been severed when Smaug attacked the tower, the dragon obviously amused with his destruction, "Now that is a pity. What will you do now, Bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."

Mylaela sucked air through her teeth, drawing her bow back once more, Legolas laid a hand on top of hers, lowering the bow, "There is nothing else we can do now."

"Is that your child?" He hissed, slowly stalking towards them, "You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn."

Bard stabbed each end of the bow into pillars of the tower, using Bain as his guide while he pulled back the bow, "Tell me, wretch. How now shall you challenge me? You have nothing left but your death!"

Smaug let out a roar, advancing towards the tower. Mylaela's hand shot to her mouth as Bard released the arrow, hitting its mark. Smaug crawled past the tower, knocking it over in the process.

"Bard!" She shouted, reaching out an arm as the tower fell beside the building. In just enough time he reached out, grasping onto her hand. The tower continued to fall, Bain hanging from Bard's hand as Mylaela laid over the edge of the roof. Mylaela's voice broke as she once again overstretched her wound. Legolas crouched next to her, throwing the two onto the roof as well.

Mylaela and the two Men collapsed to the ground, looking up as the dragon flew up into the sky, letting out pained cries before falling limply into the water.

"You did it," she breathed out, smiling at Bard, "You killed Smaug."

Bard looked at his son, laying a hand on his shoulder, "We did it."

"Let's find a boat and make for the shore," Mylaela advised, carefully climbing off the roof before helping Bain down.

"Tauriel!" Mylaela shouted as they reached the shore, glancing around to not see the Dwarves, "Where are they?"

Tauriel looked at her in shock, "They made way for Erebor. They thought you did not make it."

"Bard," Mylaela approached the man, "May I take a boat."

"Of course," he nodded, calling after her as she turned around, "Thank you!"

Mylaela carefully climbed a boat, preparing to sail off, "Mylaela!"

She turned to face Legolas, "Be careful, I've heard stories of the sickness that lies upon that gold. I fear the Dwarf King you will find in there will not be the one you once knew."

"Thank you, Legolas," she nodded, sailing off, "May we meet again."

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