𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈 . 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧

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Mylaela ascended down the wall, as she reached the ground she turned around to watch the Elves jump over the Dwarves' barricade, joining the battle with the Orcs.

A smile found its way upon her lips as she sprinted towards Bard.

"If you do not want to risk your people's lives," she panted slightly upon reaching him, "No one would blame you for leaving."

"Nonsense," he chuckled, reaching a hand out for her. Mylaela accepted, leaping onto the back of his horse.

"The orcs are heading towards Dale," Mylaela pointed out, "We need to protect those who cannot fight."

"All of you! Fall back to Dale!" Bard commanded, "Now!"

The two made it into the city, dismounting the horse before running into battle, "My children! Where are my children?"

"If you need me, shout my name," Mylaela instructed, "I will hear you."

The two exchanged nods before splitting their ways. Mylaela striked down any orc that crossed her path.

Mylaela wasted no time to leap over three Orcs, positioning herself between them and a girl no older than 6, before beheading two of them, stabbing the third one through its head.

Mylaela sheathed her doubles blades, exchanged them for her sword before picking the young girl up, "Hold on tightly, do not let go."

One after another, the She-Elf sliced down the enemies, rescuing who she could. The bodies of innocent citizens littering the ground, "Keep your eyes closed."

The man from the toll gate ran around the corner, spotting the child in Mylaela's arms, "They're barricading women and children in the Great Hall."

"Which way?" Mylaela shouted, beheading yet another Orc. Percy directed her before running the opposite direction. The Elf sprinted through the unfamiliar streets, looking for any signs of a Great Hall.

"Mylaela!" Bard shouted upon seeing the Elf, "Take her there!"

With a nod, she ran towards the building, handing the child off to a woman inside, "Watch after her."

Mylaela sprinted back outside, watching Thranduil's Elk fall to the ground, the Elf King tumbling to the ground before leaping back to his feet. Mylaela ran up to him, placing her back against his with her dual swords.

"Why are you helping me?"

"We have fought together once before, Thranduil," she responded, ducking as he spun around to slice the heads off two Orcs. The two managed to sync their fighting styles, fighting in one fluid motion as if they had trained together for years, "Just like old times."

The Woodland Elves began to defend their King, Mylaela leaving his side, "Protect the city! The Dwarves need my help."


Dwalin marched up to Thorin's throne, the King sitting there in solitary, "Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there."

Thorin looked around the hall in wonder, his mind elsewhere. The sickness had completely consumed his mind, filling it solely with thoughts of gold, "There are halls beneath halls within this mountain. Places we can fortify, shore up. Make safe."

"Yes," Thorin responded to himself, approaching Dwalin, "Yes, that is it. We must move the gold further underground to safety."

"Did you not hear me?" Dwalin shouted after him as Thorin began to walk away, "Dain is surrounded. They're being slaughtered, Thorin."

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now