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Thorin walked out into the treasure room in a trance, "Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief."

His gaze drew up to Oin, Bifur, Fili and Kili, "Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror." Thorin threw a red gem up to Fili, "Welcome, my sister's sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor."

Thorin looked back up at them, his face contorting slightly, "Where is Mylaela?"

"Uh," Bofur hesitantly muttered, "We believe she fell, My King."

"Fell?" Thorin reiterated, a look of anger plaguing his face, "You mean to tell me Mylaela did not make it?"

"She went to help the Bowman," Bofur elaborated, sharing a worried glance with Fili, "She never met us at the shore."

"Leave me!" He bellowed, his voice echoing through the kingdom. Bilbo was the first to scatter, followed by the rest of the Dwarves. Thorin stumbled to the steps, dropping down onto one.


Mylaela walked up to the entrance of Erebor, anxiously walking through the hole in the gate. Her eyes darted around the large halls and multiple stairways, not knowing where to head.


Footsteps pattered down the steps, Biblo letting out a relieved sigh, "You're alive!"

"Why does everyone seem to think I died?" She chuckled, embracing the hug that the Halfling pulled her into. He pulled away, "I am so grateful you are here. I am afraid you are the only one who can get through to him."

"What do you mean?" Mylaela inquired, Legolas's statement playing in her mind.

"Thorin, he has," he paused for a moment, looking for the right word to use, "Changed, to say the least. He does not eat, he does not sleep, he just stands amongst the gold."

"Where is he?"

Bilbo led her through the confusing halls, to the treasure room. Mylaela looked around in wonder, there was more gold littering the floor than she had seen throughout her entire life, and that was saying something.

Mylaela slowly made her way down the steps, approaching the King, "Thorin?"

"Mylaela?" He croaked out, slowly stepping towards her, "I thought I lost you."

The Elf crouched slightly to tightly hug the Dwarf, "My job protecting the company is not over yet."

"What do you mean?"

"The orcs attacked Lake-Town, they were looking for you," Mylaela informed him, surprised the Dwarves had yet to tell their King.

Mylaela made her way to where the rest of the Dwarves were, silently walking into the hall.

"Mylaela?" Kili asked in disbelief, wasting no time to run towards her, hugging her tightly. The rest of the Dwarves cheered in triumph, nearly tackling her to the ground in hugs.

"We thought you didn't make it, Lass," Gloin smiled, before immediately defending himself. He refused to be caught caring for an Elf, "I was only disappointed I wouldn't get the chance to beat you in a drinking game."

"Sure you were," she chuckled, looking amongst the company, "I am pleased to see we all made it."

Mylaela held a wide smile, maybe Galadriel's prediction had been false. The line of Durin still stood strong.


Mylaela stood next to Thorin above the treasure hoard as he barked orders to the Dwarves. He was definitely a different Dwarf than the one she had fallen for. Thorin's eyes no longer held an ounce of sympathy, purely anger and greed.

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now