𝐗 . 𝐁𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐧'𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

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"You know this Beorn? Correct?" A gruff voice asked, sitting next to the She-Elf, "You knew who he was the second Gandalf mentioned a bear."

"Aye," Mylaela locked eyes with Thorin, "I met him once in my past."

"You don't talk much of it," Thorin acknowledged, "Your past, aside from your mother and sister."

Mylaela raised her eyebrows with a chuckle, "No one's asked, aside from you at the garden."

"You have a point," he muttered, glancing back at the Dwarves who were preparing to rest, "I apologize for how I acted at the beginning of the journey. Gandalf was right, you are valuable to this company."

"There is no need to apologize, Thorin. I never expected you to welcome me easily."

"The Elf you were in love with," Thorin brought up her previous story, Mylaela sending an odd glance his way, "What became of him?"

"Maedhros, he was one of the Seven Sons of Faenor. I originally resented him for slaying my nephew, until I remembered why he had done it," Mylaela sighed, his reasoning all too familiar, "Feanor's sons made an oath, and Maedhros was simply abiding by that. I can not blame him for staying true to his word, it was just unlucky that my nephew got drawn into it."

Mylaela began to pick at a loose chip of wood as she bitterly reminisced, "I forgave him, and helped him to raise Elrond and Elros, until he caught word of the location of the Simaril. I pleaded for him to not mess with Eönwë, as I knew he stood no chance. Nevertheless, he was a man of his word. He regained the Simaril, but the Simaril betrayed him. It burnt his hand, and as a last hope to preserve the oath he made to his father, he leaped into a fiery chasm with the Simaril."

"You have lost many to the evils of this world," Thorin dropped his head slightly, Mylaela sucking in air, "I expect to lose many more, up until my last breath."

Silence fell amongst them, one of comfort and understanding rather than for a loss of words. Mylaela examined the Dwarf King's face with a slight smile, "You should get some rest."

Thorin excused himself from the table, before stopping at Gandalf, "She is Half-Maiar, do you know why she becomes weary after using her powers?"

"I do," Gandalf nodded, staring at the wall in a daze, "When a Maiar takes the form of a person, they are still Maiar, only in a different form. Mylaela was born into an Elvish body, one that was not created to wield such power. When she uses those powers, they not only take her energy, but a sliver of her soul as well."

"Her powers are killing her?" Thorin questioned in disbelief.

"I am afraid so."


The company lay fast asleep in Beorn's farm, aside from the She-Elf, who could not rest comfortably. The sound of shuffling from near her followed by the faint sound of metal caught her attention.

Mylaela turned her head slightly, noticing the Hobbit holding a golden ring in his hand. She sat up abruptly, Bilbo immediately stuffing the Ring into his pocket.

"Why do you have that?" She angrily questioned in a hushed manner, Bilbo shook his head vigorously, "It is just a simple ring."

"Do not lie to me, Bilbo," Mylaela hissed, a menacing look in her eyes, "You should not have that Ring. That Ring is pure evil."

"It is useful," he argued back, Mylaela standing up, "You need to dispose of it. Now."

"No!" He whisper-shouted, holding his pocket possessively. Mylaela balled her fists up before shaking her head in disappointment, "I will not be near that Ring."

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now