𝐕𝐈𝐈 . 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Mylaela ran after the company with labored breathing, her father's blade in her hand. The wargs quickly caught up, one leaping over the company and turning to face Bilbo. Mylaela was too far back to attack the warg and watched as Bilbo took out his sword.

He held it up as the warg ran at him, impaling itself of his blade, falling to the ground dead. Mylaela stopped next to the Hobbit, turning around to kill two wargs who were getting too close for comfort.

"Up into the trees!" Gandalf ordered, "All of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!"

As Bilbo went to run past the warg, he grabbed the hilt of his blade, but it would not budge. Mylaela noticed the lack of the Hobbit next to her and turned to see him struggling. She cursed to herself, running back to him. In one clean motion, she pulled the blade out, handing it to Bilbo.

"Go!" She shouted, running after him. They reached the trees, all of the company already up into them. Mylaela grabbed the Hobbit, throwing him up before jumping up herself.

The She-Elf held onto the branch, her vision once again faltering, "No, no, not now."

She felt her mind drift away from her body, slipping off of the branch. Just as she slipped, she regained consciousness, reaching out to the first hand she saw.

Mylaela was thrown onto the same branch as Fili, who looked at her worriedly, "What was that?"

"That," she muttered, leaning her head against the tree, "Is why I do not use my powers."

Fili held onto her upper arm, in fear she may pass out again. The wargs ran forward, biting at the trees, attempting to take down the Dwarves.

As they began to think their plan would work, the trees began to uproot from the ground, Fili shouting to her, "Hold on!"

Mylaela did as he said, their tree tipping over to another. Fili's grip on Mylaela remained as they jumped to the next tree, which began to tip as well. Eventually, all of the Dwarves hung from the last remaining tree.

A pine cone lit on fire was thrown from above, lighting the grass ablaze.

"Fili! Kili!" Gandalf shouted, dropping flaming pine cones down to them, as they used them to light each other's. Mylaela grabbed a pine cone as well, using Fili's to light her own before throwing it down.

The wargs and Orcs began to back up as the cliffside became engulfed in flames, a triumphant cheer coming from the Dwarves. Their celebration was short-lived as the last tree began to tilt over, hanging nearly parallel to the cliffside.

Mylaela hung onto the fallen tree, a figure standing caught her attention. Thorin had begun running towards the pale Orc. Mylaela cursed to herself using nearly the last of her strength to pull herself up.

Mylaela watched the white warg knock Thorin down, turning around to charge back at him.

"What're you doing?" Fili hissed, "You're too weak."

"I made an oath," she told him, standing on the tree, "I do not break oaths."

The pale Orc hit Thorin upside the head with his mace, Mylaela grimacing at the sight. Mylaela ran forward as the warg clasped its jaws around Thorin, a painful cry coming from the Dwarf.

Mylaela leaped up, tackling the pale Orc off of his warg, the two tumbling to the ground. Another pained cry stole her attention, the warg throwing Thorin into a large rock.

"Why is a She-Elf protecting Oakenshield?" The Orc questioned, laying his foot on her chest. Mylaela wheezed as he applied more pressure, he reached down to lift her up, throwing her aside.

Mylaela glanced over at Thorin as he grasped for his blade that was just out of reach, her eyes slowly shutting as an Orc reared back to behead Thorin. Mylaela attempted to raise her hand to create a shield, her hand trembling as her vision went completely black.


"Mylaela!" A deep voice shouted, the Elf shooting up with a gasp. Gandalf stood above her with a smile.

"Thorin?" She immediately questioned, "Is Thorin okay?"

"Aye," a gruff voice spoke from behind her, a breath of relief leaving her lips as she turned to see the Dwarf King walking towards her

"What you did was foolish," he scolded, holding out a hand to help her up. Mylaela accepted, looking towards Gandalf.

"My job is to protect the company, and that is what I will do."

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