𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐕 . 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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"Kili!" Mylaela cried out, chasing after the distraught Dwarf, "Wait for me!"

Kili disappeared into a structure, and the sound of clashing metal followed. Quickening her pace, she watched an Orc's head fall from the stairs.

The sound of fighting in Thorin's direction caught her attention as well. Mylaela cursed to herself, following Kili. The She-Elf finally reached the Prince, jumping into combat with him.

"Thorin is fighting Azog," she informed him, spinning her blade once in her hand before impaling an Orc behind her.

"Kili!" A voice shouted from below them, Mylaela impaling an Orc that attempted to sneak up on the distracted Dwarf, "Focus on the battle, she will find us."

"Kili!" She called once more, the Dwarf not taking Mylaela's advice, "Tauriel!"

The Woodland Elf let out a cry of pain, Kili abandoning his position to run to her aid. Mylaela sucked air through her teeth, jumping off the platform to where he ran.

Kili ran to another ledge, leaping off of it to jump onto the Orc who was attacking Tauriel. Mylaela turned around, taking out the two Orcs that had been following them before jumping down once more to join the two.

Kili was flung forward, landing harshly on the stairs with a groan before quickly leaping back into battle. Mylaela sliced at the large Orc's legs, only pissing him off more. He swung his weapon, sending her flying into the stone wall.

With a pained cry, she stumbled back to her feet, returning to help Kili. The large Orc raised his weapon, preparing to impale Kili before Tauriel tackled him. The Orc sent Tauriel flying to the ledge with ease, holding up his weapon once more.

"No!" Mylaela shouted, holding her hand out in front of her, creating a forcefield just as the weapon was about to pierce the Dwarf. Mylaela pulled back her blade, impaling his upper thigh from behind.

The Orc shifted his gaze to her in anger, swinging his mace across her face. Mylaela cried out as she went flying, noticing blood dripping on the snow below her. Before she could summon another shield, the weapon plunged through Kili's chest.

"Kili!" Mylaela sobbed, pushing herself weakly up from the ground, "By Durin, you will pay!"

Mylaela held her hands in front of her as if she was holding a sphere, conjuring as much power as she could muster before sending it his way, sending the Orc stumbling to the edge. Tauriel pushed herself off the ground, tackling him over the cliff.

Mylaela ran to the edge, watching Tauriel tumble down the cliff with the Orc. Just as she was about to jump down, she noticed Legolas preparing to fight off the Orc.

She turned around to the sound of a gasping breath, rushing to Kili's side, "Tell my mother, I am sorry."

"Shh," Mylaela whimpered, wiping the tear that escaped his eyes, "Your mother will be proud. I will tell her how you fell fighting for your kingdom."

"Mylaela," Kili choked out, blood pooling in the corners of his lips, "Thank you."

Mylaela let out an agonizing sob as his eyes glazed over, she lifted her trembling hand, gently closing his eyelids.

"Thorin," she whispered, running through the halls to make it to him. The Elf hissed in frustration of how confusing the halls were, until she ran into an opening. Thorin laid at the edge of the cliff, an Orc towering over him.

Before she could take a step, a familiar blade flew up from below, impaling the Orc. The blade was Orcrist, Thorin's blade, and the She-Elf knew exactly who threw it.

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