𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 . 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Mylaela threw herself atop Bard's stranded horse, riding out into the battle. She swung her blade, killing any Orc that came too close as she rode towards Dain.

"Dain!" She called, riding next to him. The Dwarf King sent the Elf an odd look, "Who are you?"

"Long story!" She shouted, killing three more Orcs, "I am part of Thorin's company!"

Mylaela felt the horse crumple beneath her, an Orc withdrawing his blade in front of her. With one swift swipe, the Orc lay dead where he stood.

"Fall back!" He ordered his troops, "Fall back to the mountain!"

Mylaela ran back with him, positioning herself next to the King. Dain shouted to his troops in Khuzdul, the troops preparing their shields as Mylaela spun her blades in her palms.

As the Orcs blew their horn to signal the beginning of another attack, a louder horn sounded from behind them. Mylaela glanced behind her with a wide smile, "Thorin."

A golden bell burst through the gate, followed by Thorin charging out with the company. The Dwarves in the center stepped aside, allowing them to run through, "To the King!"

Mylaela sprinted forward with the rest of the Dwarves, swinging her blades in every direction possible, ensuring she did not hit any Dwarves within her range.

The formation eventually separated, Mylaela remaining alongside the sons of Durin, keeping them from any harm. Her eyes landed on Bofur, on top of a Troll, controlling it with chains.

Mylaela shook her head with a laugh, bringing her focus back to the battle at hand. They were yet to be in the clear.

"You're back," she smiled at Thorin as they fought next to each other, him slaying another Orc before turning back to her, "Aye, I apologize for everything I said."

Mylaela spun on her heel, crossing her blades to impale two upcoming Orcs, "As do I."

"Dain!" Thorin called to his cousin, turned to clash swords with an Orc, spinning around to finish off another while Mylaela finished the one he had just disarmed.

"Thorin!" Dain called in response, "Hold on! I'm coming!"

Dain jumped onto the back of an Orc that was heading for Thorin, snapping its neck, smacking another with his hammer in the process.

"Hey, Cousin!" He greeted, slamming his hammer onto a fallen Orc's head, "What took you so long?"

The two shared a hug as Mylaela defended the Dwarf Kings, "Great reunion and all, but we're kind of in a battle!"

"There's too many of these buggers, Thorin," Dain acknowledged, taking another one out, "I hope you've got a plan."

"Aye, we're going to take out their leader," Thorin answered, jumping onto the back of a goat, "I'm gonna kill that piece of filth."

"Thorin, you cannot do this," Dain protested, worried for his cousin's safety, "You're our King."

"That is why I must do it."

"And how do you plan to fight your way single-handed to Ravenhill?"

Almost as if it was on command, Balin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili pulled up on a goat cart.

Mylaela rushed to Thorin's side, "You are not leaving me."

"Defend the others."

"My job is to keep the company alive," Mylaela recited, staring him straight in the eyes, "I just got you back, I will not lose you again."

Thorin nodded briefly, tossing Mylaela onto the back of the goat, "To Ravenhill!"

Mylaela helped Thorin slay Orcs as they rode through the armies, heading for the bridge to Ravenhill.

"This is much more uncomfortable than a horse," Mylaela complained as they were free of Orcs for the moment. The goat was smaller than a pony, making it very difficult for Mylaela's tall figure to fit comfortably, especially sharing the seat with another.

Thorin laughed at her statement, running across the bridge, seeing Fili, Kili and Dwalin on the ice below them, "Onwards! Lead on!"

Mylaela held onto Thorin tightly with one arm as they climbed the side of the hill, using the other to swing her blade into any oncoming enemies.

Finally reaching the top of Ravenhill, the company dismounted the goats, engaging into combat with the lingering enemies. Once they finished off the stragglers, the group stopped, staring at where Azog was previously commanding his troops.

"Where is he?" Kili questioned his Uncle, "It looks empty. I think Azog has fled."

"It's a trap," Mylaela seethed.

"Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight." Thorin ordered his nephews, "If you see something, report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?"

"We have company," Dwalin informed the group, "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred."

"We'll take care of them. Go!" Thorin demanded his nephews to leave, turning to Mylaela, "Keep them out of trouble."

Mylaela snarled at him before obliging, knowing Dwalin would look after Thorin. The She-Elf crept behind the brothers, following as they jogged across the frozen lake, to the other side of the structure.

The three made their way up a staircase, pausing at the sound of a noise. Kili held his blade firmly, preparing to charge, "Thorin said do not engage."

"Stay here, search the lower levels. I've got this." Fili commanded, Mylaela shaking her head at his order.

"No," Mylaela hissed, grabbing both of their arms, "I am supposed to keep you out of trouble. We do not split up!"

"I'm afraid you have no say," Fili tore his arm from her own, running up the passage, "Fili!"

Kili turned, running the other way to explore the bottom levels, "Kili!"

Mylaela cursed to herself debating on which to follow, ultimately choosing the youngest. The She-Elf caught up to the Dwarf Prince, "We should not have split up!"

Kili had frozen upon a ledge, gazing up in fear. Mylaela stepped forward as well, following his stare. Dread overtook her adrenaline as she watched Fili being held over the edge, just before being impaled by Azog.

His body fell from the overhang, landing just before their feet. Mylaela collapsed to her knees, staring at his lifeless body, "The vision was true."

She had chosen to follow the wrong brother.

Without time to grieve, upon her newfound realization, Mylaela sprinted after Kili, who ran to seek revenge for his brother.

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