𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 . 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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"You are really taking this whole 'supervision' role seriously," Mylaela chuckled as she left the bathing room, clad in Woodland Elf clothing. After a little convincing, the Elf Prince allowed her to wash herself of the grime and blood she had developed throughout their journey.

"It was my father's order."

"May I speak to one of my friends?" She questioned, Legolas looking at her with disapproval, "Only for a moment? You really think I could let them all out without anyone noticing?"

"You have five minutes," he muttered, leading her to the dungeon, "My father does not hear about this."


The Prince led her to the top of the dungeon, "I will wait here."

Mylaela thanked him before rushing to Thorin's cell.

"Mylaela," he breathed out in relief.

"I'll take it you did not take Thranduil's deal?" The guilty expression told her all she needed to know, "I never expected you to."

Thorin smiled slightly at the comment, Mylaela leaning closer to the bars to whisper to him, "I am going to find a way to get you out. I promise you."

"There's no hope," he muttered sickeningly, "Our fight is over."

"Do not say that," she scolded him, "It has been a beautiful fight, and it still is. Trust me, please?"

"I trust you."

"Mylaela!" Legolas called from the top of the stairwell, gesturing to a guard approaching, "I must go."

Legolas held himself in a strange way as they walked through the halls, "What is on your mind?"

"The Dwarf, what do you see in him?" He genuinely questioned, Mylaela letting out a simple chuckle, "Everything you do not."

A small smile plagued the Elf Prince's lips as his ears perked up, "Would you like to join the feast of starlight?"

Mylaela glanced back at the Dwarves, she would feel bad to party while they were locked up, but it would give her the perfect chance to slip away from him, "I would love to."

"Let's grab some more drinks and join the others," he explained, turning around to head back towards the dungeon. He paused for a moment, Mylaela unsure as to why. Glancing around his figure, her gaze landed on the red headed Elf talking to Kili. They waited for a few moments until the Elf dismissed herself, and continued their journey down.

Mylaela sent each of the Dwarves a knowing look, her eyes lingering on Thorin slightly longer than the others.

Legolas led her into the cellar, where the two Elven guards were drinking, the keys hung just above them. Mylaela hid the small smirk playing on her lips as she took a bottle of ale that Legolas handed her, the two making their way towards the feast.

A large hall, full of tables crammed full of Elves brought a slight smile to her face. As much as she loved adventures, simple gatherings like these brought a feeling of home back to her.

An odd presence next to her caught her off guard, as she glanced down to the blank space next to her.

Mylaela stepped to the side slightly, into a quieter hall, "Bilbo, is that you?"

A small tug on her cloak confirmed her suspicions, "I will keep them busy up here, the keys are in the cellar, just past the dungeons. Get them out of here, do not worry about me, I will be right behind."

Legolas rushed around the corner, letting out a relieved sigh when he saw Mylaela.

"You really have no faith, do you?" She chuckled, following him to sit with his friends. Mylaela did not talk much, instead she observed the Elves. Specifically Legolas and his female friend, who she learned was named Tauriel.

Hiraeth - Thorin OakenshieldWhere stories live. Discover now