𝐕𝐈 . 𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟

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Mylaela stood tied to a post as the Goblin King sang an awful-sounding song, a permanent grimace remained on She-Elf's face.

The Goblins approached the pile of the company's weapons, examining them. As one picked up Thorin's blade and began to unsheath it, he threw it forward in shock.

"I know that sword!" The King shouted in fear, crushing Goblins beneath his feet as he jumped back, "It is the Goblin-Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"

Mylaela shouted in fear as a Goblin nearly drove his blade into Thorin's skull until a strong force blew the Goblins to the ground.

Her shoulders slumped in relief as she saw Gandalf step out from the darkness, "Take up arms. Fight. Fight!"

Mylaela fought against the binding as the Dwarves began to fight back, Gandalf joining them as well. Thorin ran up to her with one of her small blades, slicing the ropes.

Mylaela thanked him as he handed the Elf her father's blade. The Elf was quick to leap into battle, impaling one Goblin before spinning on her heels to slash two more behind her.

"Follow me!" Gandalf yelled to the company, "Quick!"

Mylaela followed after the company, running down the uneven bridges. She felt weak from the use of her powers, but she knew she only had to push through a little longer.

The company split into two paths, the front half went up, while Mylaela and the rest of the Dwarves in the back ran on the bottom path.

"Post!" Dwalin shouted, he and Nori cut the ropes to a large pole, using it to knock off Goblins. As dumb as Dwarves may occasionally act, she had to give them props for that. The company rejoined on a bridge a few moments later, every member slashing down any Goblin that came near them.

Mylaela sheathed her father's sword, pulling out her dual blades instead. The company began to space out slightly, each fighting their own small groups of Goblins.

"Kili!" Mylaela shouted as Goblins with bows began shooting at him. Kili sliced the arrows in the air before hiding behind a ladder.

Mylaela ran behind him, helping him to run forward with the ladder, knocking Goblins off the path before laying it down as their own path. Dwalin knocked the ladder into the abyss as the last member crossed it.

Mylaela ushered him forward, killing orcs that were attacking from above. The company ran onto another bridge, slicing the ropes connecting it. They swung back and forth, jumping off as they swung to the other edge.

The She-Elf swung at Goblins that jumped onto the other end, hearing Thorin shout her name from behind her. She turned around, jumping onto the path, cutting the rope holding the bridge up in the process.

Up ahead, an unsuspecting Goblin came from behind Dori. Mylaela lunged forward, tackling the Goblin off the bridge. At the last second, she caught onto the edge of the bridge, swinging her other arm up.

A hand grabbed her upper arm, hoisting her up. Mylaela nodded at Thorin as a thank you before the two returned to battle.

Gandalf hit a large rock with his staff, sending the rock tumbling down the path in front of them, killing the Goblins in the process.

Just as they ran onto another bridge, believing they were close to the exit, the Goblin King burst through the bottom of the bridge.

"You thought you could escape me," the King growled, slamming the floor in front of Gandalf before knocking him backward, "What are you going to do now, Wizard?"

Gandalf jabbed him in the eye with his staff before slicing his stomach open. The Goblin King looked down at his wound before back up to Gandalf, "That'll do it."

With one last slice to the neck, the King fell forward, dead. His weight, however, caused the bridge they were on to begin falling down the cavern. Mylaela held on to a post as they roughly fell to the ground, letting out a grunt as they finally did.

Mylaela climbed off of the debris with Gandalf, dusting herself off.

"Well that could have been worse," Bofur piped up, just as the Goblin King's deceased body fell on top of the Dwarves.

"You've got to be joking," Dwalin groaned out. Mylaela walked up to the wreckage, helping Ori, Bifur, and Fili out.

"Gandalf!" Kili shouted as he looked up, the Goblins running down the cliffside.

"There's too many, we can't fight them!" Dwalin shouted to Gandalf as he helped Nori up.

"Only one thing will save us: daylight!" Gandalf shouted to them, "Come on!"

Gandalf led them through a passage to exit the mountain. Mylaela paused as Gandalf followed the company out, something felt off.

She glanced down another passageway, furrowing her eyebrows. There was a dark presence, one that made her feel ill.

"Mylaela!" Gandalf shouted from outside of the mountain, the She-Elf following his voice.

The company finally came to a halt, Mylaela falling to the ground, exhausted.

"You're a witch," Thorin spoke up, glaring towards Mylaela.

"No, Thorin, she is not," Gandalf sighed, "Her mother was, she just so happened to gain some of her power."

"Why not tell us?" Ori asked in disappointment.

"It did not matter," she huffed, her eyelids growing heavy, "They make me weak, I do not use them unless I am not given a choice."

"Where's Bilbo?" Gandalf asked, the company looking around in worry, "Where is our Hobbit? Where is our Hobbit!"

"Curse that halfling! Now he's lost? I thought he was with Dori!" Gloin grumbled, Mylaela rolling her eyes.

"Don't blame me!" Dori shouted, insulted at the accusation. Gandalf turned to the older Dwarf, "Where did you last see him?"

"I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us," Nori piped up, Gandalf shifting his gaze to him, "Then what happened exactly? Tell me!"

"I'll tell you what happened," Thorin spoke with anger in his voice, "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone."

"Could you go one day without attacking him," Mylaela grumbled from where she sat, "Did you ever think he may have been captured? Or maybe is looking for us right now? I do not believe he is long gone."

"He indeed is not!" A voice piped up from behind them, a smile growing on Mylaela's lips as she saw the Hobbit.

Mylaela shook her head aggressively as her vision faded in and out slightly, rubbing a hand down her face. She never understood how her mother created and maintained such a giant shield without the blink of an eye. The slightest use of her powers and she nearly passes out.

"Look, I know you doubt me," Bilbo began, looking at Thorin, "I know, I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back, 'cause... you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can."

Everyone remained silent, Thorin nodding his head slightly in understanding. Wargs howling in the distance caused a groan to slip out of Mylaela's lips.

"Out of the frying pan," Thorin began, Gandalf finishing his statement, "And into the fire. Run. Run!"

"You've got to be kidding me," Mylaela huffed as she weakly got up from the ground. 

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