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Bring the pain, let it flow through my veins,A reminder that I'm alive, breaking free from chains

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Bring the pain, let it flow through my veins,
A reminder that I'm alive, breaking free from chains.
With every challenge faced, I grow stronger than before,
Embracing the struggle, I rise and soar.
For in pain's embrace, I find strength to explore.

As George slept in his bed, Amory sat next to him, playing with his hair as she read an article. Suddenly, Izzie barged into the room, waking the boy up.

"Seriously?!" She went to sit next to the boy, the short girl looking confused. "Move over."

"I'm sleeping..." The boy mumbled.

"Oh, shut up." The tall blonde complained.

Just a few seconds after, Meredith came into the room as well. "Seriously?!"

"You know, this is a very small bed for four people..." The boy complained as the dirty blonde flopped on the bed as well, making Amory put down her article and move over.

"You know, it would be helpful if you started knocking. Who knows what you would've walked into..." The short girl suggested, blushing slightly.

"He's a neurosurgeon." Meredith went on.

"I look fantastic. I shaved my legs." The former model went on as the couple was sandwiched in the bed.

"He's a brain surgeon, how could he be so brainless."

"Hello? Seriously?!" Izzie complained

"Seriously?!" Meredith followed suit.

"Shhh, sleep." The boy hushed them, ready to get back to his sleep


"Did I do something wrong last night?" George asked, after thinking over the situation of last night.

Amory paused what she was doing before turning to face him. "No, no. It's not something you did. I just... Can we talk about it after our shift? When it's just the two of us?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Just if it was something I did I want to know; okay." Amory nodded before turning to Bailey who was coming into the locker room.

The resident standing in the doorway, waiting for her interns when Cristina walked up to her putting on her coat. Her hair was still dripping wet from the rain outside, which made Bailey raise her brows as she saw the drops falling on the floor. "You're dripping."

"I'm back. I just wanna make that clear. I'm back, I'm ready to work." Cristina immediately told her. She already feared that Bailey would send her back home.

Suddenly, Addison came up to the doorway from the hallway. "Has anyone seen Dr. Shepherd this morning?"

"His name's on the OR board. He should be here somewhere." Bailey replied and Addison nodded before walking away to find Derek.

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