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Chris and I finally set a day for our second date, which is tomorrow night. Thankfully I'm off work for three days, so I am going to spend them relaxing and catching up with Ben and Rhys.

Today is the first day of my three-day break and I promised myself that I'd get everything that needed to be done. So I woke up this morning and went through my morning routine of a stretch and some meditation. I then got to have a shower and put on a pair of shorts and a baggy black shirt with the Nirvana logo on the front.

My bare feet slowly pad the stairs as I go to make myself breakfast. I realise that I need to go grocery shopping when my eyes scan over the poor state that my fridge and cupboards are in. I grab the last granola bar and make a cup of tea. I'll eat a proper meal later.

I thankfully don't have to do any cleaning except for the cup I'm using. When I got home from work last night, I cleaned up and tidied the cottage before I went to bed. That gave me a lot of time to sleep in.

While I eat my granola and sip my tea, I sit on the barstool in my small kitchen and go through my texts. Ben sent me one to remind me of our movie night. I send him a reply and then go through my Instagram account. This is the only social media account I have, no Facebook or Twitter for me.

Once I finish my tea, I rinse the cup before placing it on the dishrack to air dry. Ben and I agreed to meet up at the grocery store so we can both do the shopping together. We always make sure that our days off at work are taken at the same time.

"Babe!" His voice calls out to me the moment I get out of my car at the parking lot. His wide smile brightens my day more than the sun as he makes his way toward me. "You're late." He pouts at me.

My brows quirk up "By two minutes, relax." We walk into the store after I lock up the car.

Just like any shopping trip I have ever had with Ben, my stomach hurts from laughing too much. I have always told him that he should have become a comedian instead of being a nurse. The man has a knack for making everything seem hilarious.

We move from aisle to aisle, taking what we need from the stocked-up shelves.

He asks me about what Chris and I will be doing for our second date and I tell him that we'll be going to the movies. It was my suggestion, I needed an informal setting. The movie theatre will provide that and we won't be talking much.

"I love movie theatres, they're so...intimate." he wiggles his eyebrows at me, and my face twists in disgust.

"Eww Bentley."

He laughs, "Don't knock it till you try it."

"No thank you." That's not going to happen in fact, there is nothing sexual happening tomorrow. I don't see myself going there with Chris.

We finish our shopping and part ways with the promise of seeing each other later since I will spending the night at their place. Whenever we get a day where all three of us (Rhys included) are off work, I spend the night at their place for some junk food, trashy reality TV shows, and comfort.


What was supposed to be a relaxed night turns into a chaotic drunk messy karaoke night. It started off okay until a Samsung advert came on while we were watching Are You The One? The BTS song playing in the background made us forget about the show and switch on to Spotify.

We went down the vortex that is Kpop and have been singing/butchering the lyrics to some of the songs. It's fun and hilarious but most of all liberating. We need these tiny moments of joy to forget about work and all the pain we deal with.

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