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I wake up the next morning, feeling better than I was the day before. My body doesn't feel as tired as it was and my airways have completely opened. I guess Vaporub really does work.

I look at Kermit next to me and smile. "Thanks for keeping me company."

I get up and go into my bathroom to brush my teeth. I splash some water on my face and then look at my reflection in the mirror. Not only do I feel better but I look much better than I was yesterday. Jake was right, I was half dead, but now, thanks to my gorgeous girlfriend, I am almost back to myself.

I walk out of the bedroom and make my way down the hallway to the guest bedroom. I quietly open the door and peek inside. She is still fast asleep, the curtains drawn to shut out any daylight. Closing the door again to let her continue to peacefully sleep, I walk back to the main bedroom, and make a call to order breakfast.

I'm not sure if I have any proper food in the house and I don't want to risk it and make a terrible breakfast. After the night we had, the woman deserves a hearty, filling breakfast.

Thandi walks into the living room just as I finish setting up our food. It's a little past ten in the morning and she still looks as though she should be resting. She walks towards me and wraps her arms around me.

I smile and kiss the top of her head. "I think you need more sleep"

"And I think you're correct." she replies, her voice muffled as she buries her face in my chest.

She pulls back and looks up at me, "How are you feeling?'

Bless her heart.

"I'm good. Way better than yesterday." I kiss her forehead, "Thank you."

I run my hands down her back. An appreciative hum reverberates from within me at how perfect she looks in my shirt. I want her to wear my clothes all the time now.

"How about, after breakfast you go back to bed and relax. I can go by your place to get anything you'll need for work. Just give me a list."

She beams at the suggestion. "That sounds wonderful." she leans on her tip toes and our lips tenderly connect. "Thank you baby."

My heart beats proudly within my chest. I love it when she calls me that.

The loud grumble of her stomach makes me chuckle. "Hungry?" I ask.


Good thing breakfast is ready.



After breakfast, I take a well needed shower and then get into another one of Gray's long sleeved t-shirts. I pull on some fresh underwear and a pair of leggings I found in my overnight bag. I then slip on some socks and my sneakers.

I make the bed and then walk back into the living room where I find Grayson waiting for me. We decided over breakfast that instead of the original option to give him a list, that we'd just drive together to my house to get the stuff that I needed for work and then I'd help him grocery shop. That will leave me with about four hours of nap time so that I am refreshed for work.

"Ready?" He asks.

I nod. We then leave the house and walk towards his car which was parked right next to mine on his driveway.

The drive over to my house is filled with music and our horrible singing along. We laugh and just enjoy ourselves. Every single mundane thing that I do with this man is just a joy.

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