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Well... Grayson King is a hit with the nurses. Those who were invited to Ben's party can't stop talking about him. I have kept my mouth shut, gone about my day, doing the job that I get paid to do. I have gotten a few questions about him and I have avoided answering every single one. Especially the ones that asked whether or not he and I are a thing.

I'm a very private person and honestly, I don't want to give them an answer. I may work with them but I don't know them well enough to let them into my business. Frankly, I wouldn't tell them even if we were somehow close. Ben and Rhys are enough.

I guess Grayson now too. Even though the idea of letting him in scares me to death.

Gray and I have been communicating via phone for the past week and a half. I've been busy. Being a nurse really is no joke. I have been on my feet for so many hours. Car accidents, children falling off trees; having broken arms and legs. Between the Ortho department and the trauma unit, my caregiving abilities have been tested and stretched past their limits.

I am exhausted and cannot wait to get the next four days off. My body hums at the thought of sleeping for a good fifteen hours.

My phone pings with a text just as I wipe off my wet hands with a towel. I can't wait to take a shower, I need to wash the past twenty hours off me.

Gray: if my calculations are correct. You're finally off your shift.

I smile and send him a reply.

Me: Yes, exhausted. I can't wait to get home.

The phone pings with another text.

Gray: are you okay with driving? Don't want you falling asleep behind the wheel.

Me: Yes, I am.


Gray: Are you sure? I can drive you home.

I stare at the words on the illuminated screen. Not sure how to answer.

"That's so cute. Say yes." Bentley's voice startles me. I almost drop my phone on the linoleum floor. The man likes to stand behind me and peek over my shoulder to read my texts. Damn him and his tall ass height.

"What about my car?" I ask him. He knows how much I care about my baby.

Ben rolls his eyes, "I'll drive it. I came in with Rhys today."

Makes sense. When they are both at work they carpool. So it won't be a trainwreck if I give Ben my car. Grayson and I text back and forth. I let him that he may drive me home and where to meet me in front of the hospital.

Ben walks me out and waits with me outside. We sit on the front bench, enjoying the warm evening weather.

"I'm really happy you're with Grayson."

"We're not official. Remember, we're taking it slow." I reply.

He playfully nudges my shoulder, "I know. But, I'm happy that you even agreed."

I smile, "Me too."

A sleek black Dodge Challenger pulls up. Grayson steps out of the driver's side. My mouth waters at the sight of him. The man is wearing grey sweatpants with a black hoodie. His hair is done up in a messy bun. I love his hair, every time I see him, I just want to play with it. Run my fingers through those dark, golden locks.

The moment our gazes meet, he smiles and it makes me feel weak at the knees. If I wasn't sitting, I probably would be a mess on the pavement.

"Jesus, would you look at that bulge."

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