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With the flu finally gone. I am a hundred percent back to myself. Thandi has been an amazing help. She made sure that I was okay. She didn't have to but she did anyway. I am so grateful for her and appreciate that she took care of me when I was sick.

Despite her telling me that I did not need to do anything for her in return, I went ahead and did something. Tonight, I'm taking her to a romantic dinner. I have the night planned out. I'm excited and hope that she loves it and enjoys herself.

I walk up to her front door and ring the doorbell. I hear her shout, "Come in." I let myself in. She walks down the stairs, barefoot her heels in her hand. "You didn't have to ring the doorbell." she teases.

I know that I could have walked in but, I still like to be well-mannered. I take a good look at her and my mouth goes dry. "You look beautiful."

"Really?" She twirls. The light, flowy material of the dress she has on flutters around her legs. I don't fight the urge to pull her into my arms. She softly sighs as my arms embrace. I love how she feels when I'm holding her.

I deeply inhale her intoxicating scent. "I love the way you smell. It always drives me crazy." she makes my heart beat crazily. I don't think I have ever had this kind of reaction to a woman before.

How can someone make me feel this way?

We hold on to each other for a minute more before we pull apart. She looks up at me with those gorgeous dark brown eyes, "What have you got planned for tonight?"

I smile as I have been secretive about our date. I like surprising her with the places I take her to. However, tonight, I let her know, "We're going to a very nice place for dinner."

I feel her hands slowly glide down my chest. Her warmth seeps through the fabric of my shirt. "Sounds amazing."

I lean down to kiss the crown of her head before she goes back in for her purse. Once she has the house locked, we walk back to my car and I open the door for her. She murmurs a 'thank you' as she gets inside.

I drive us over to our destination excited about her reaction to what I have planned for us.


Grayson really planned the perfect night. I am full, happy, and relaxed. He took me to one of the most expensive five-star restaurants in town; where he had booked a private dinner suite. The service was great. The workers were excellent. The food was very tasty, I ate till my heart was content. We had a beautiful conversation about life and things going on in the world. I like how we never run out of things to say to each other, even when we're quiet, the silence is never uncomfortable.

I smile, remembering when we slowly danced to the music that was playing in our suite. I felt so safe and cherished when he held me in his arms. Besides Ben and Rhys, Grayson is the only man I feel truly safe with. Safe to be around. That scares me a little bit, but I try my best to ignore the fear. The fear is just my painful past trying to make me doubt what we have.

We arrive at his house, I walk next to him as he holds my overnight bag. I'm only going to stay the night and then he'll drop me off at my house later on tomorrow so that I can get ready for my night shift.

I slip off my heels the moment we step over the threshold. I sigh, relieved to have the shoes off. Dressing up is a lot of work, and walking around in heels is not as easy and sexy as we make it look to men.

"Do you need anything to drink?" Gray asks.

I nod, "Cold water would be wonderful, please."

I settle on the couch and he comes with two water bottles, handing one of them to me. "Thank you." I twist open the cap and savor the coolness of the water as it goes down my throat.

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