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One of the few things that bring me joy in this world is seeing Bentley happy. Tonight is one of those times. We're finally on the double date he has been begging for, and honestly the night is quite fun.

"I'm happy we finally did this. Dinner and Dancing, double d. The perfect pair of tits." Ben says. My friend is quite tipsy.

We had dinner at a very gorgeous restaurant before heading to a club to spend the rest of the night. I am not a nightclub kind of person but tonight, the thumping of the bass and the loud music is very intoxicating and I love it. Even though I have been downing mocktails the entire night, I feel drunk.

I'm drunk off the vibes.

As the music plays, I dance with Gray. His hands roam my body while I sway my hips to the rhythmn of the music. He twirls me around until I face him and then descends upon my lips. I eagerly kiss him back.

Ever since the sleepover, our kisses have been heavier and longer. I'm honestly so close to giving into my sexual desires.

We pull apart and dance until we all decide it's time for us to head home.

"It's too late for you guys to drive to two separate locations. Let's all go to our place." Rhys says.

We agree with his suggestion and drive to their house.

We arrive at Ben and Rhys' place within minutes and my body longs to feel the softness of a mattress.

After wishing each other a good night, I drag Gray to my bedroom. I love how Rhys and Ben let me decorate this room to my own liking. I collapse on the bed and release a sigh, "I'm exhausted."

Gray chuckles and within a second, I feel his hands on my feet as he takes off my heels. He rubs each foot a little bit before moving up to unbukle the button of my pants and then drag down the zipper.

I look up at him and our eyes meet. My brown to his mismatched blue and hazel eyes. This man really won the genetic lottery. He smiles and begins to drag my pants down. Once that is done, I'm left in my corset and thong.

His eyes darken when he sees my underwear. This is not helping my horniness.

"You're so beautiful."

My entire body warms up at his compliment. I calm myself down because I'm not about to jump his bones in my friends' house.

He finally helps me to get the corset off my body. I grin when I catch him lick his lips when he sees my breasts. We're playing a dangerous game. He leans down and kisses my collarbone, "You need to get dressed," he says huskily.

I get off the bed and run into the closet to get a pair of pjs. I end up in am oversized tshirt and nothing except my underwear underneath.

When I get back to the bedroom, Gray is in bed. His clothes neatly folded and placed on a chair by the dressing table.

I get into bed and immediately plaster my body to his. His arm wraps around me then he kisses my forehead. The exhaustion quickly consumes me and I fall asleep.


I gently move away from Thandi before quietly leaving the bedroom. I quickly recognise the way to the kicthen and when I get there I get a glass and fill it up with tap water. I guzzle down two full glasses which does little to calm my beating heart.

I need to control myself around Thandi. The woman has no idead how sexy she is and how each and everything she says or does, makes me want to pin her to my bed and have my with her.

Tonight, just made it worse. Seeing her beautiful almost naked body, her breasts had me salivating and my hands itching to touch. I am heavily sexually attracted to her but I don't want her to think that I'm with her only because I want to have sex with her. What we have is so much more than physical attraction.

A hand on my shoulder startles me out of my thoughts. I turn and see Bentley. The man is handsome, seriously handsome, it quite literally made me question my sexuality the first time I saw him.

Him and Rhys are so picture perfect.

"Can't sleep?" he asks.

I shake my head, "I was just a bit thirsty."

He grins, "I bet you were." he takes the glass from me and begins to get some water from the tap. He stares straight into my eyes as he drinks and once he is done, he places the glass in the sink.

I'm a tall guy, but having this man who I'm pretty sure I have a good six inches of height on; look at me like I'm some specimen under a microscope; it makes me feel small and very nervous.

"I like you Grayson, a lot." He walks closer to me, "I just have one rule for you."

"What rule is it?' I ask.

"Don't hurt my friend. If you do, you will curse the day you were born, alright handsome?"

I nod, "Got it."

His smile returns, "Now, go back to bed. It's late." I'm taken by surprise when he kisses me on the cheek and then turns on his heel, leaving me in the kicthen.

Still stunned, I walk back to the bedroom and find Thandi awake, the bedside lamp illuminating the room dimly. She leans up on the headboard, concern all over her face, "Are you okay?"

I laugh,"Bentley kissed me."

"Oh yeah? " she asks with a grin.

She likes that her friend kissed me. I slip back into bed and pull her into my embrace, "Yes, right after he threatened me."

She laughs and it makes me smile. I like it when she laughs, "That's Bentley for you. The man softens his threats with kisses."

I shake my head. "I still prefer your kisses though."

She pulls me closer to her, our faces an inch apart, "I know you do." she then closes the distance and I melt when our lips move against each other. 

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