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I love getting dolled up. Theres just a girlhood type of joy that washes over me when I have my make up on and a pretty outfit to go with it. I tried to go for a darker look for my eyes and then coated my lips in dark, matte burgundy lipstick.

It's my best friend's 28th birthday. It deserves a beautiful outfit. I have on a black, silk dress that ends an inch past my calves. It has a slit that goes up my left thigh. The straps holding on to my shoulders are made out of shiny, silver gems and the back is so low it ends right above my butt. I paired the dress with some black Lunar Revelation platform heels. I love how the beaded straps and how the charms dangle over my skin.

Once done with everything. I grab an oversized black blazer and my clutch before going into the living room. I opted to get ready at Ben and Rhys' place , since it would be convinient for the three of us to drive to the venue together.

My footsteps echo as I step into the hallway. Bentley's smile widens the moment he sees me. "Honey". He says dragging the out the word. "You look amazing!"

Rhys nods with a similar smile that exudes the same excitement as his boyfriend. "You look like a very sexy, vampire."

I grin and twirl for them. Ben hollars excitedly.

"Thanks you sexy devils."

I take a moment to appreciate their outfits. Both men are in black suits. Ben has a white shirt underneath with a black tie and a gold lapel chain. Rhys on the other hand, has on a black shirt, no tie but is buttoned all the way to the collar with a silver collar chain that has skull moths on the cuffs. They are both so handsome it actually should be a crime.

"Look at us looking like the Three Goth Muskateers." I comment.

Both men laugh as we walk out of the house and into Rhys car. The drive to the venue is filled with so much excitement and singing along to our favourite songs.

When we arrive at the guest house I am in awe of the decorations that adorn their ballroom. Bens vision really came to life. The venue is completely transformed into a goth inspired failrytale land. The dark drapes and the lit candles on every surface available. It feels like were attending a funeral more than a birthday celebration.

My friend did say that he got inspired by Rosemary the tarot reader's house.

There are guests already mingling with beverages in hand. The party is strictly invite only, you're allowed to bring one plus one. But it still holds the intimacy that Ben wanted. Close friends and a few collegues.

We move around, mingle with the rest of the guests. When I am elbow deep in conversation with Ben and another nurse from work, Ben nudges his head to the right. I follow his direction and the air is nearly knocked out of my lungs.

He's here. Looking like a sexy snack in a black suit with a white shirt underneath. The three two top buttons are undone as he has no tie on. His hair is pulled back into a sleek low ponytail.

I'm quite surprised by his trimmed beard. My hands itch to touch his face.

"Girl, youre practically drooling." Ben whispers to me. With a playful roll of my eyes, I hand him my empty flute (which was filled with orange juice) and walk over to Grayson.

My heart starts going wild the moment our eyes meet.

He smiles as when he stands before me. I look up at him and my smile immediately mirrors his. "Hey."

"Good evening, Thandi."

Even with all the music in the background, the sound of his voice does things to my heart. He leans forward, lowering so his lips are near my right ear, "You look exquisite tonight."

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