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Last night was something else. I am being a hundred percent honest when I say that I have never in my life had such life-altering sex with someone before. After our nap, Grayson and I went on to have more sex in the bed before we got at it again when we took a shower together. The man has stamina and he really knows what he's doing.

My sex life has been non-existent for the past year and a half since I just seemed to be meeting such disappointing men in bed. Men who are so selfish and only care about getting off. I have never faked an orgasm, I would always tell them that I was not sexually satisfied just very frustrated and disappointed by how they can talk such a big game and not deliver when the time came.

Grayson King, this man I met months ago, has done what many have failed to do. He has revived a part of me that missed being ravished like he did. The man consumed me like he had been starving for years.

Our sexual chemistry is off the charts.

His soft lips on my shoulder rouse me from my thoughts. My body awakens like a switch has been flipped on. The slightest touch from him makes me quiver with huge amounts of pleasure.

I feel his strong tattooed arm pull me into his warm body. I soak up the warmth, loving the feel of his skin on mine. "Good morning beautiful." His deep morning voice reverberates deliciously from his chest.

I tilt my head to look at him. "Good morning, my sexy boyfriend."

This makes him lazily grin, his eyes are still a bit droopy and his hair is messy from how many times I ran my fingers through it. How I tugged and pulled at it when he feasted upon me multiple times last night. That man gave me enough head to last me at least a year. What makes him more attractive is how much he loves doing it.

"I could do this for many lifetimes with you and I'd still not have enough." He had said to me last night when he was nesttled in between my thighs for the third time. His appreciative groans and moans that he makes when he laps me up, tingle my spine in the most delicious way.

"Sexy? Me?"

I laugh, "Yes, you." The word was made for him. The sexiness of how he was so perfectly good at sex.

Ben was right, the man is sex on legs.

I feel his dick twitch and graze my ass. I instantly become wet. I will never get enough of him too. "Fuck, baby that feels so good," he says when I grind my ass onto him. I'm getting wetter.

My body hums with need when his hand creeps up my tummy and kneads one of my breasts. This, is a great way to start your day. While one hand remains on my chest, the other makes its way in between my legs. He deeply groans when his fingers find me already dripping, "I love how responsive you are to me." he slips one finger inside my core and a moan slips past my lips at the sensation of his finger moving in me.

As he adds another finger, I don't stop grinding on his erection which also makes me ride his hand and fingers.

"Drawer," he says as he peppers my shoulder and neck with kisses over the hickies he left last night. My arm reaches out to the partially open drawer and I find no condoms inside. It's hard to concentrate on the task at hand when his fingers are drawing me closer to climax.

"There's no condoms in there." I pant out. "Did we get through all of them?" I ask all while he's still kissing my neck.

The man was really ambitious.

His kissing stops, "As much as I'd like to continue doing this we can't. I don't want to put you under that kind of pressure."

If I wasn't riding his hand like my life depended on it, I would actually stop everything but right now, my need to have him inside me is taking over. "Yes we can."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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