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"You're very happy today."

I turn to look at Miranda, one of the nurses doing rounds with me. I just smile and move on to the next patient. "Life has been good lately. I'm grateful."

She looks at me skeptically; after a few seconds, she relents and nods. "Sure, whatever you say."

I shrug and carry on taking notes of the patient's vitals.

Maybe Rosemary was correct with the tarot reading. At least with it comes to the all-dashing, handsome stranger who comes into my life. Gray is wonderful and I love spending time with him. I love our conversations and I feel comfortable around him.

And, I do have a reason to smile, I'm excited. Gray and I will be spending our first weekend together. He drove me to work this morning, and I left my carry-on with my clothes and toiletries in his car. I did not mind driving myself to work as I usually do but the man insisted on waking up early so that I don't have to use my car.

He will pick me up once my shift ends in five hours. Despite the excitement, I am nervous. It's been years since I've spent a weekend over at a man's place.

I know that Gray is not going to do anything wrong or be weird but I'm still a bit shaky about being away from my space and my comfort zone.

While Miranda and I move around, going from one patient to the next, my mind keeps drifting to that wonderful date that we had two weeks ago. That was so beautiful and thoughtful of him. That is the most well-thought-out and well-executed first date I have ever been on. I know I'm praising this man for the bare minimum but to me it means so much because I have been so unlucky and the bar was just that low.

The hours tick by and my shift finally ends. It's been a long day, especially without Ben at work. He's enjoying his three days off work which started today.

When I walk towards the reception area, I see that Gray is already waiting for me, seated on one of the chairs. When he spots me, his lips curl up into a smile.

"Young love." Minnie gushes when I reach Grayson and he wraps his arms around me. My exhausted body melts into his; absorbing his warmth and the delicious scent of his cologne.

"You ready to go?" he asks after placing a kiss on the crown of my head. I nod and he steps back, his arms release me and then he takes my tote bag from me.

Our hands find each other as we walk out into the parking lot, towards his car. The moment my body settles in the seat, I could almost sleep. My eyelids feel heavy, it's half past nine in the evening.

The drive to his house is quick as the streets aren't too busy. It's a Friday night, most people are out at clubs while others enjoy a quiet night in.

I release a sigh of relief the moment my feet cross the threshold of his front door. I make my way to one of the couches and my body sags when I feel the soft material underneath my tired body.

He sits next to me and wraps his arm around me. "I placed your bag in the guest bedroom."

I look up at him, "Thanks but why?"

"Well..." A nervous smile appears on his face, "I didn't know if you'd like to sleep in the same bed as me."

Be still my beating heart.

"Gray, we're a couple aren't we?" I ask.

"Yes," he replies.

I shift closer to him, "Then, I'd like us to share a bed. Just like couples do."

His smile widens and his shoulders relax. "Alright."


I am practically a purring cat. All the tension in my shoulders is melting away as Gray's fingers massage the knots in my muscles away.

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