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The sizzle of something on a pan, makes me quickly shuffle my feet. The smell of bacon and pancakes has me wide awake by the time I get to the kitchen.

Rhys is busy, moving around plating up, and then returning to the pan on the stove. I watch as he switches off the stove and turns towards me as I take a seat at the table. Scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, toast, and some fruit are on display on the table.

"Good morning babe." He says as he hands me an empty plate. He places a kiss on my forehead, "Eat up, I'm going to drag Ben's hungover self from the bed."

"Thanks, sweetheart, this all looks lovely," I say to him as he walks into the hallway.

They emerge when I'm halfway through eating. Bentley looks like he got the life sucked out of him. He does not deal well with hangovers. That gives me more reason to stay away from alcohol. The way that everyone describes a hangover tells me that I would not survive one.

He plops his butt on a chair and immediately goes for a plate and fills it with bacon. Rhys takes a seat and starts filling his plate with food.

"Oh my god, this bacon tastes amazing." Ben practically moans out loud.

Rhys shakes his head, a shadow of a smile on his lips, "You're welcome."

While we eat, we reminisce on last night's event and how amazing Ben's party was. The conversation eventually shifts to myself and Gray.

"So are you guys dating now?"

I pointedly stare at Ben for a second. He's so excited about this.

I shake my head. "We just agreed on getting to know each other better."

Whatever decision that is made will be based on that. We're not exclusive.

Ben continues to radiate excitement. For someone who was ready to keel over from a hangover a few minutes ago, he suddenly looks so much better.

"I can live with that." he says. "I'm just happy to see you finally have a man in your life."

My brows rise," I thought you guys were the men in my life."

Ben rolls his eyes, "You know what I mean. Right babe?" he asks Rhys.

He nods with a shadow of a smile, "Right."

I don't know what I am getting myself into with Grayson. I like him, but a part of me feels like it's too early. The pessimist in me says that this will end poorly. Probably with my heart broken into a million pieces while I drown in tears of regret.

I want to be positive but I've never had anything good in my life. I have always had to suffer before anything good happened. I'm afraid that this will be taken away from me, just like all the other times.

I tune back into the conversation and move away from my thoughts, "That man is gorgeous. He has a face that I'd like to sit upon."

I choke on my bacon. Ben is in stitches, laughing at his comment and my demise. Rhys chuckles. "Bentley!" I playfully scold.

He shrugs, "What? That's what you said the first time we saw Rhys."

"What?" Rhys' jaw drops.

"You swore we'd never talk about that ever again." We made a pinky promise. Clearly Ben has no regard for the sacred oath.

"It's not like he would mind. You know you're the exception."

Rhys nods, "Whenever you want to, I'd happily oblige."

My face is hot from how much I am so embarrassed. I hate Bentley.

"I hate your bisexual ass," I say to Rhys before grabbing my plate and moving towards the sink.

Both men laugh and I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. We really are a weird bunch but I wouldn't have it any other way.



"I'm walking on sunshine. Whoa." I sing along to Katrina and The Waves. I love listening to music when I'm working and being able to work from home means I can be as loud as I want to be.

My fingers fly over the keyboard. Muscle memory doing its job as I tap on the keys. Software engineering is what I have always wanted to do from a very young age. I was blessed with parents who helped me when it came to pursuing my dreams. They have always told me to reach for my dreams.

I did that. I went to one of the best universities in the country and graduated top of my class. I have the job of my dreams. I was able to buy myself a house in my mid-twenties. I have everything that I want.

Well...almost everything. I want Thandi and I'm happy that she said yes to giving me a chance - to giving us a chance. I know that it's not official and we're not exclusive but I am working towards that.

I've known this woman for less than six months and for almost half of those months, I was her patient. This is crazy but it's a good kind of crazy. I know what I feel for is real. I am a hundred percent sure of that.

This is not going to be an easy ride. Thandi seems like a very guarded person. She keeps her cards close to her chest. I just so happen to want to make her relax, I want...No, I need her to feel comfortable with opening up to me.

After a full three hours of coding, I take a break, my friends arrive in a few minutes. The front door rings while I make myself a cup of coffee. I hear the door open, followed by Siya's voice, "Honey, I'm home."

I roll my eyes and focus on filling my cup to the brim. He appears a moment later with a bag in one hand. I immediately smell the delicious food it contains. I nearly drool.

He places the bag on the counter, taking items out, "Jake will be here in about ten minutes." he informs me. I nod and get the plates for him to dish up. Siya is a chef at a very high-end restaurant in town. He hopes to open his own one day. He deserves it, the man is talented in the kitchen.

We have dinner together every other week at each other's places. It's been our tradition for a few years. It's time for us to catch up on all aspects of our lives. Emotionally, physically, and mentally.

These two idiots have done a lot for my mental health. We help each other out and uplift each other.

Jake arrives when the food is set up. "Something smells amazing."

He bumps our fists and we each take a seat at the table. Siya doesn't hesitate to ask about Thandi. My butt hasn't even warmed up the seat yet and he's already asking about her.

"Come on, tell us. How was the party? How did things go with the cute nurse?"

Jake smiles like a jack-o-lantern. He leans on his elbows on the table as if he wants to physically absorb the information I'm about to dish out.

"The party was great. Nice decor, food and the drinks were bottomless."

"Open bar?" Siya asks.

I nod. "Met some nice people."

"Yeah but how did it go with Thandi?"

I take a bite of my delicious burger. In a way I'm making them wait and I can see Jake get impatient as he watches me chew.

"We spoke. She feels the same way that I do and she agreed on us getting to know each other more."

They cheer excitedly and then each high-fives me. I laugh. "And you said I was delusional. You said I didn't have a chance with her." I point at Siya accusingly.

He scoffs. "My pessimism motivated you. I deserve a thank you."

I shake my head at him, a laugh going past my lips.

"So you're together?" Jake asks around a mouthful of food.

He eats like a damn animal.

"Not officially. But, I am working on that."

I have a plan. I am going to do my best to woo this woman. I'll die trying to win her heart. I'm a sappy bastard and I'm not ashamed to show how I feel.

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