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It's hard to keep up a happy facade when you're feeling like you're falling apart on the inside. With all these dreams that keep coming up, I am slowly withdrawing back into myself. When that happens, I try to find ways to cope and not lose my mind.

So, I clean. 

I scrub every inch of my house, making sure to reach every crevice and corner. I do laundry and when that is done I polish the floors before finally ending up in the kitchen knuckle-deep in flour because I was in the mood to bake. Another distraction from the chaos in my head.

Within minutes, the house smells like a bakery. I lose myself in the joy of baking and the music that I have on. I end up with a counter filled with chocolate fudge brownies, banana bread muffins and blueberry scones. I place them onto containers and realise that I have made a bit too much and I will not finish all of the sweet treats by myself.

I send Ben and Rhys a picture of the treats. A quick reply pings on my cell phone.

Rhys: on our way!

I smile. I send the same picture to Grayson with the caption, 'Treats?'.

His swift reply is: Yes, please. With a smiley face emoji.

I let him know that he can come over if he's not busy and his reply is the same as Rhys'.

After sorting out the baked goods and cleaning up the kitchen, I go upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. Since I'm not leaving the house, I put on some leggings and an oversized sweater. I slip on some fuzzy socks on my cold feet.

I go back to the kitchen and switch on the kettle before taking out the mugs. I hear the doorbell ring and the door opening a second later. "Honey, we're home."

I smile at the sound of Ben's voice. I hear their soft footsteps get closer until they reach the small kitchen.

"Babe, this place smells like a damn bakery," Ben says with a smile.

"I know."

Rhys comes over to hug me. I then exchange a hug with Ben before going to check on the boiling water. They help with making the tea and setting the baked goodies onto plates.

The doorbell rings again and I go to check. I open the door to reveal Grayson, tall and handsome as always. "Hey there." he smiles.

I mirror his warm smile, "Hey, come on in."

He steps over the threshold and notices the shoes neatly placed along the wall. I watch as he takes off his converse and places them in order next to Bentley's shoes. He follows me to the kitchen. Ben and Rhys welcome him warmly and that warms up my heart.


Laughter fills my living room. Ben shares some funny stories from our early stages of friendship. Having people around me makes me feel so much better. I'm glad I invited them over.

Gray and I share a couch while, Ben is crosslegged on the rug and Rhys is on the one-seater couch. Empty plates that once held baked treats and our empty mugs of tea are on the coffee table.

"How did you guys even become friends?" Gray asks over his own laughter.

I reply, "I saved him."

His brows questioningly rise. Ben explains, "This girl right here, saved me from homophobia." he winks at me.

"Thandi heard some guy call me by a gay slur and she lost it. She called him an asshole before clocking him in the Adam's apple with a fist," he says proudly.

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