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I need to be chained to a tree like a werewolf on a full moon.

I'm ovulating and it's not okay. All that has been occupying my mind is how much I want to have sex with Grayson. As if being a woman is not hard already.

Ovulation horny is a different circle of hell. One that Dante Alighieri has not been to. I really need to be locked up because I feel feral due to the sexual thoughts in my head.

I go through my rounds at work like I'm not sexually frustrated and I count the hours down till I'm done with this twelve-hour shift so I can go home and drown myself in ice cream.

When the clock strikes six in the evening, I let out a grateful breath and quickly make my way to my car. On the drive home, I stop at a McDonald's to get large fries and a twenty-one-piece box of chicken nuggets. When I get home, I take a shower and wash off the day's sweat off me, and then get into a pair of pjs and some fuzzy socks.

I warm up the fries and nuggets while I pour cranberry juice into a glass. I go to my living room and switch on the TV then eat while watching a true crime documentary. Immediately when I'm done with the food, I go to the kitchen to get a tub of ice cream out and then go back to resume watching the documentary.

I am fifty minutes into the second episode when my cellphone rings with a FaceTime call. The screen is illuminated by Grayson's name. I smile and answer, "Hey you."

He chuckles, "Hello sweetheart. I hear you're having a hard day." my heart skips a beat.

"Ben?" I ask. He nods. Of course, Ben told him I was having a hard day. "I'm okay now, fast food and ice cream helped."

He smiles, "Well, I guess it's too late for me to help then."

I'm confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm parked on your driveway and I-" I drop my phone on the couch, slip on my slippers, and sprint to the front door. I rush towards his car as he steps out. I squeal when he picks me up as we hug, "No, I'm too bi-"

"No, you're not. You're perfect," he says ignoring my protest. I'm not skinny, I'm a size thirty eight (size twelve). One of my biggest fears is falling while a man picks me up. Also, I've never had such a thing happen to me. Gosh, the dating pool is full of shit at this point.

He looks me in the eyes, "What's the point of me going to the gym if I can't physically pick up my girl."

Cue the butterflies in my stomach, "Your girl?'

He grins, "My girl."

"Well in that case." I plant kisses all over his face.

"I should've gotten here earlier if I knew this is how you'd be." he laughs.

I pull away from kissing his cheeks, "You really should have."

He nuzzles his face in my neck, inhaling before planting a kiss on the sensitive skin near my ear. "I missed you," he whispers.

"I missed you too."

I unwrap my legs from his body. When my feet touch the ground he lets go of me and reaches into his car, he emerges with a bouquet of flowers. "These are for you," he says as he hands them over to me.

My eyes tear up when I see the white and pink daisies. I've never received flowers from a man before (Ben and Rhys don't count.) I mean a man that I'm romantically involved with. I look up at him, "Thank you." I say with a shaky breath.

"Oh, baby. Come here." he wraps an arm around me. He then pulls away and wipes a stray tear on my cheek. "I don't like it when you cry."

I smile, "It's happy tears."

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