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During this time, Peng Yan's life was not very good. Not only can't add his sweetheart, but also dare not contact Zhang Xueyuan. He suddenly recalled the conversation he had had with his uncle and aunt two days ago.

His aunt was so enthusiastic to him that he was a little creepy. After Peng Yan asked for a long time, his aunt said a little embarrassedly, "Do you remember the boy in your photo?"

The boy in the photo?

Zhang... Zhang Xueyuan? ! Your own nemesis? Could it be that his aunt has taken a fancy to that person.

He almost jumped off the sofa. My aunt didn't realize her sudden change of face, and sighed melancholy: "I like that child very much, if only his parents agree, I want to be his godfather and godmother."

Even the uncle, who has always been steady, nodded his head beside him, with a look of approval.

godfather godmother?

That is...and myself...

This nightmare shocked Peng Yan for several days without sleeping well. It's been almost two weeks, and he didn't dare to tell Zhang Xueyuan about it! How to say? If Zhang Xueyuan was older than him, would he still call him brother?

Enemy becomes brother?

This is literally hundreds of times more terrifying than a nightmare. He can't even eat, and has lost several pounds recently. The younger brothers around him only thought that he was rejected by his goddess again, and they didn't understand how bitter his heart was.

Y height is different from X height. Here you can choose not to live on campus, but Peng Yan has always lived on campus. He was carrying a schoolbag and walking on the path today, only feeling lonely and hopeless. He was too lazy to walk home directly, and went back after playing around outside for a while.

When passing by an alley, he saw a boy who looked like a junior high school being kicked to the ground at a glance, and a group of people surrounded him and said something with a smile.

Peng Yan looked away expressionlessly, this kind of thing is too common, but what does it have to do with him?

He's not that kind of warm-hearted person. If Zhang Xueyuan had said it, he might have taken action. After all, when he became the boss of X High, it was because he helped the entire seventh class of X High to resist the high school bullying.

In the alley, Xiao Yue's younger brother was kicked to the ground, clutching his stomach and moaning. The tall and thin young man with yellow hair was holding a red rope, and there was a hint of greed in his condescending expression. My dear, the texture of this jade is different at first glance, even if it is such a small piece. I'm afraid it should be worth a lot of money to sell it?

"This thing shouldn't be in a shabby place like yours, right?" Huang Mao held the jade and mocked with a malicious look, "Wouldn't it be stolen from outside?"

"You're the one who stole it! This is my sister's!" Xiao Yue's younger brother blushed, but he was afraid that these people were very afraid, so he didn't dare to refute loudly. What other people gave to his sister, of course, is his sister's.

"Yo, how dare you say such a thing?"

"Who doesn't know that your family is very poor, how could there be such a thing?"

"Don't ask, this kind of thing must have been stolen by him, even if it wasn't from someone else, he probably stole it from his sister." Someone laughed softly, and the words became dirty: "Xiao Yue That girl is getting better and better, and her grades are good. I heard that she is still in X high school, so she doesn't look like someone from the Xiao family at all."

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