Game Time

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   Second chapter!





   Nine minutes and forty-eight seconds. I have 83 yards to cover and a touchdown to make in that time. Piece of pie.

   Its been years since our football team won a game. Today, I'm going to change that. My dad is the most dedicated person I know. His love for football will overshadow even me at times. I don't want him to be remembered as the coach who couldn't win.

  That's the thing with my dad and the players. They have heart and serious talent, they merely don't use it the way they should. Guidance, that's all they need.

   The players stand in front of me, as a silly form of protection but the only thing saving my butt.

   Already I notice the reoccurring problem I see half the time that is begging for correction. I bend and whisper to the left and right guards, Jake and Jack, "Push in together, don't go sideways."

   They nod and I smile. Got that solved fairly easy.

   I lift my left leg to signal Daryl, the center, to snap the ball.

   Catching the ball easily, I take a few steps back to observe the playing field.

   This is much different then standing on the sidelines. Before I could see everything, now I'm in the middle of the chaos. I note how hot it is, how encased I feel. The uniform does nothing for this and brings me down.

   The turf beneath Austins shoes, the cry of the audience, the chanting of the cheerleaders, the sweat coating my body, it's a miracle I haven't fainted. Adrenaline, that's whats keeping me upright and what will get me through this. Or that's what I'm relying on.

   Panther 76, the same one that got Austin has weaseled his way to me. What is with this guy?

   "Not again." I mumble.

   I wait until he's close enough and when he is I dance out of the way.

   Down falls Caesar.

   Quick look shows me Duke has made his way to the 50 yard line. He's the furthest away and being tailed but the Panther isn't as quick as Duke. If I make this pass perfectly, Duke could have it.

   Ignoring the nerves staining my body, I bring my arm back and launch the ball.

   Duke jumps and for a second I didn't think he had it.

   But he did and fell onto the ground.

   I leap, "Yes!"

   The crowd is cheering us on and the players cant believe it. That has to be the best throw in this game. Thirty-three yards ins't much, I'll say, but with the people screaming in joy you'd think I got elected to be the president.

   Duke comes to me, "Austin, more plays like that and we may just win this one."

   I blush then grunt, "We're gonna win."

   Two times of passing Davis the ball to have him rush and suddenly we're at the 17 yard line.

   Lifting my leg, I get the ball from Daryl.

   Duke is deep in the end zone. This is almost too simple. Maybe the good Lord wants the Knights to take this win. I hope so because God can be a tough player. Quick Hail Mary, praying is always welcomed, no matter what you're doing.

   I toss the ball and Duke grabs it.

   "Annnd the Knights score! Putting them in the lead 28-27." Mr. Wilson said. Even he can't keep his exuberance contained. Then again why would he?

   The defense gets ready to go on the field. I pull aside Wes, Ivan, Otto,Todd, and Larry. "You two," I point at Todd and Wes, "get the quarterback. His left is open, those idiots leave him unguarded. Try getting him to fumble and get the damn ball before it hits the ground. You three, if they fail to tackle or fumble, interception. He throws it to either 19 or 64, usually 64. Follow them."

   They were shocked that I'd given them advise. Austin is more offensive then defensive, he normally gives them a slap and the ass and a mumbled 'Good luck'. This is me and I want our defense to know what the hell they're doing. "Well?"

   "We'll do our damned best. And thanks big Aus." Larry smirks.

   Big Aus is a dumb nickname Austin got way back when. It puzzled me why he let them call him such a silly thing. Boys.

Larry and the guys did do their damned best. The play was perfect, stunning everyone present. Wes was able to get the quarterback on the ground the exact time he let the ball go. The thing practically flew into Otto's hands.

   The crowd went insane. None of them, not even me, could fathom what happened.

   "That's what I'm talking about!" I shout.

   Dad came up to me in a slight daze and hands me a cup of water, "Who are you."

   It wasn't a question, more like a absent comment.

   I didn't answer, not completely sure how to.

I stare at the cup, wanting to have the cool water refreshen me. But the helmet must stay on and I must stay dehydrated.

   "It's fine. Secrets cant last long, but know, when yours is out, you'll have good people backing you." Dad said.

   He means well, but that's because he is under the impression that there's a male next to him. Not his only daughter.

   Two minutes on the clock. I don't want to win my first game by one point.

   Huddled in a circle, I feel the guys' excitement. "Davis, we're running it. Charles, Michael and Tim, cover him. Got it?"

   "Are you alright Aus? You sound like a chipmunk that swallowed a nut too big." Grady said.

   "Shut up." I grumble.

   We make the plays, on the ten yard line with the crowd on their feet.

   I see the Panthers are weary, they know Davis will get the ball. Their eyes trail him.

   Smirking, a thing I haven't ever done it seems, I turn to Cash, Austins little brother and a darn good wide receiver.

   Using two fingers, I motion forwards. It took the slow boy a whole second before he got it.

   The ball in my hands, I fake passing it to Davis, who is clearly confused. Not one Panther is even by Cash, their main focus- Duke and Davis.

   Cash has the ball now, and screams of joy and exuberance echo.


   Yeah, Austin won this game, not Avery.

   I jog to the locker room before thrilled fans can trap me and force the helmet off my head.


   And so Avery wins!

   This was second by second, and kinda hard to write considering I don't even play football, but I like it none the less.


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