Advancing in Life

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That stunning woman is Ali Latter and to be Averys mom, Georgia Skinner.

This is the big game, playoffs man.





For our game against the Lions, we got spanked. 


The only reason we got that touchdown was becasue their quarterback threw an interception at Duke and he was able to score. We lost our lead in favor of the Lions, who are now undefeated because they took down the mighty Knights. Turns out, things were about to start getting good.

Thanks to the pills I've been taking, I now weigh a healthy 143 pounds. Dad was right, I didn't look chunky or anything, just a little more rounded with more meat. Now should I get tackled it isn't as bad as it could be.

I did the exclusive interview with ESPN and suddenly I was an over night sensation. My social media blew up and I was getting fan mail. Apparently, the folk of Stonehenge have a reputation for being sexist and had no problem showing it to Peter. When the people of the world saw exactly how ugly and rude those in Stonehenge are, they felt sympathy. I've been contacted by woman's rights employers, asking if I'd like to be a spokesmen. I hardly think I'm qualified so I said no. 

It doesn't stop there. With my new fame there was a flood of college scouts that attend our games, just to see all the rave about me. Peter made it clear that exposing myself to the lime light will be both good and bad but I knew I was ready. Granted, not every single person has been supportive. I've gotten letters, emails, even phone calls telling me that I'm messing with a mans game and that I'll be sent to Hell. Blah, blah, blah.

It's easy to ignore that side because I get an even better response from children all over the world. Because of me, eleven year old Sarah is going to try out for the boys' baseball team. Sydney, who lost her leg due to cancer, is going to start swimming again. Shawn has chosen to become a cheerleader and to tell his parents he's gay. Kathy will tell her father that basketball isn't her dream, that she wishes to draw instead. Somehow I've become a role model for kids to do things people told them they couldn't. I figure, if these kids can have the courage to stand up for themselves, then I could tolerate the hate.

On top of that, because of the large scale of views I got within the hour, ESPN wants to do an Avery Skinner special every month where I talk about football, my friends and family, read some of the letters I get, things like that. And they offered to cover every game the Knights will play for the rest of the season. I couldn't resist that offer; my teammates could use coverage also.

Following the horrible loss against the Lions, we played the Huskies and Wildcats, winning both times. Tonight, on November 27, we have made it to the playoffs and this game will decide who goes to state to take on the Lions, who still haven't lost. Naturally, we are fighting our rival, the Warriors and ESPN is having a field day with the attention our game is receiving.

Seriously, there's so many reports, cameras and people flooding the stands. Our high school was given a healthy dose of money to remodel and paint our stadium and it looks as best as it could be. While my peers either adore me or want to rip my head off, at least practically all of them have shown themselves at this game. I jog to the stands, "You're a nerd, tell me, who has a better chance of winning?"

Harry scratches his temple, "Well, according to my calculations, factoring both the weather and audience members, the Knights will host a blow out."

I have completely ditched my old group of friends, who seemed to remember me after Peter aired our interview. Even Hailey had come crawling back, saying she was mean because her mom wanted her to be. I wasn't about to put up with with any of their false fronts and favored for Harry, Claire, Nishan and a some other outcasts of Stonehenge High. 

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