I got you, you got me

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Now, am I describing the update or myself? Who knows?




   "My boobs are tender as hell." Ivy tosses the magazine she was reading to poke at the top of her exposed breast.

   "Yeah, bigger boobs come with being pregnant."

   "That's a bonus."

   I rub my arm, sore from practice. Barely Thursday, third day into officially becoming the Knights quarterback. Ivy has a doctor appointment and Dad let me skip school to accompany her. He said, "She'll need you. Ditch school, not practice. I'll bench you if you do."

   So here we wait. Cutting class which is fine by me.

   I hear a ding and Ivy pulls her phone out. She taps her screen then says, "Hey babe."

   Austins voice came through the small speaker, "Sorry I can't be there. Mr. Posey is an ass."

   "It's fine, our girl made it. They're only checking to see if I am really pregnant." Ivy dips a spoon in a huge jar of peanut butter. She then sticks it in her mouth.

   I sigh, "You better be, otherwise you're eating carbs for nothing."

   Austin laughs, "Take care of her, Av's."

   "I treat the mother of my child good, so I'll treat yours right. Take notes, Big Aus." I tease.

   "Mr. Posey is givin' me the stank eye. Bye doll, later Avery."

   "Bye!" Ivy and I sing.

   Minutes ticked by until a nurse came in, "Tears, Ivy?"

   We stand and follow her to a room.

   "Pee in this and I will collect it when I return." She walks out.

   "Must suck to carry someone else's piss." Ivy swaggers to the bathroom.

    After the nurse got Ivy's pee, we still wait.

   "This shit takes too long." She complains.

   "So, has Connor backed off?" I ask.

   She rolls her eyes, "Other than says we've fucked, he hasn't done nothin'. Boy is crazy."

   "I see where you get that from."

   "And your mom? She still mad we're friends?"

   I grin, "Hates it. But whatever."

   "Any guys to report?"

   My mind jumps to Duke. Should I tell her? Ivy is slowly proving to be a true friend, a girl I can trust. There's nothing to gain or lose in telling her I like a black boy.

   I cover my face then shout, "I'm in love with Duke Jones!"

   Ivy claps, the weird paper she sits on crinkles, "Really? Why haven't you told him? Does he know?"

   My face is bright red and I can't help but smile, "Well, no."

   "Well, why not?"

   "My mom-"

  "Oh please. Now you wanna care about what that old hag says. Avery, you're the QB, you changed the rules. You can do what you want."


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