May 10th

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Time skip people!





*5 months later*

Junior year has been a wild one. My best friends got an STD and pregnant, a boy I consider my little brother told us he was gay, I finally got with my childhood crush, and I got a new friend with a dark past. Colleges rejected me as a player but not as a mascot. I become a minor athletic star because of ESPN. Mother now gets frequent headaches and Dad is as supportive as ever.

I've gone through personal changes as well. I'm more open then I used to be, free to do as I wished. I am no longer a captivated prisoner in my own life. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks of me. What I've been through isn't much, I'll admit, but it made me a better person. Before my old "friends" ditched me I never would've carried on a serious conversation with people like Drill and Harry. I wouldn't have even dared to be alone with Duke for a moment. If I stuck to the girl Mother and the folks of Stonehenge wanted me to be, I'd be a complete bitch. I probably would've cut ties with Ivy and chased after Austin. I would've sneered at Cash when his kissed his boyfriend in public. I wouldn't even have liked Duke in the first place, I'd most likely still be with Connor. Football would not be what I want to base my career off of, I might aspire to be something ridiculous like a model, or an actress.

I'm happy. This is the happiest I can ever recall being. Sure we lost the championship, but there's always next year. Dad says he thinks senior year will be the best, not only for me but the entire football team. And, to make it even sweeter, I've been pre-accepted by Auburn to play college football for them. I never even applied there, Dad and Grandpa hate that college because neither got accepted. Auburn is the one place that will let me play. Of course I won't see any action my first year, coach said I may see at least five minutes for one game but nothing more. Naturally, that is what I've been wanting to hear. It'd be silly if a freshmen were to play right off the bat. A few weeks ago I did a campus tour and I fell in love. The teammates were absolutely fantastic and didn't seem to care about me being female. I won their respect by throwing a few balls a couple of yards. They were impressed that I could play at their level. I met some guys on the team there and since we've kept contact. Its nice to know I'll have them to show me the ropes and I won't be lost. I've already decided to major in physical health and statistics. A little thing you may not know, I love math and I'm quite good at it.

Austin and Ivy have already discussed their future with me and I understand. Sadly, their dream is Tennessee. Ivy wants to be a fashion major and Austin is going for law. I'm proud with their decision but I'm terribly anxious abounot seeing them everyday. I've grown accustomed to their faces throughout my life, Austin has always been my backbone and Ivy is my girl. But we knew different colleges would be set for us. I can't wait to go toe to toe against Austin when we're both in college.

Then there's Duke, my first crush and current boyfriend. We had a long talk and Duke has already been extended several offers, and he wanted to attend Princeton on a partial football scholarship. I will miss him also and we chose to stay together until graduation and that just makes our time all that more bittersweet.

We'll all go our separate ways but will never forget one another. Our experiences and history is what will keep us close. Then there's Drill. He says he's still thinking and won't give anyone a definite answer. Grandpa told me that wherever he chooses to go that he'll be taken care of. Heck, Grandpa is such a generous man that he bought Drill a fancy Ford truck. I've noticed a change in Drill also, he's happier, still recovering but he is doing better.

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