Inner Problems

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Jamie Johnston is to be Cash Keyes.





I adjust the ice pack on my ankle, thank the Lord the swelling has gone down. The chill from the pack soothes my bone and I sigh in relief. The ache has died down and all that's left is a slight throb.

Dad angrily tosses Mother's prized candle sticks and faced me, "Avery, you're being unreasonable. Austin, Ivy, Duke, back me up here!"

Duke ignores Dad and continues to soothingly rub my calves. I gave him a tiny smile and nibble the freshly made blue berry muffin.

"Coach is right, Av's. We can't risk you like this, it's dangerous and somethin' bad could really happen to you." Austin said, eyes pleading with me to understand.

"Twenty pounds. Maybe thirty. It's not that bad." Dad tried to reason.

Only making me angry, "The Eagles, Dad. We beat the Eagles last night. Sure, that heavy linebacker squashed me but we still won." I remind then of our game last night. The Eagles aren't too impressive as a football team but to win against them just kept our streak alive. That's five solid games I've won, or helped the Knights win. Every game we played, each team we challenged, we rose to the occasion and fought our best. With our best came a victory. Last night was the first time I got tackled and that was because Charles slipped on mud. Since I got sacked in the last minute of the last quarter and my ankle got messed up, everyone is losing their heads. Saying they couldn't see me underneath the player, that I fell too easily. Which has now involved to a full blown war with my father. He thinks I need to gain a few pounds. Ha!

I already weigh a hundred and twenty one. What would folks say if I became a marshmallow? I can't get fat, I just can't! I've lost my title, my friends, my standing in Stonehenge, the respect I once had but I fully intend to earn it all back, yet I don't see how that would be possible if I were big.

I, personally, have nothing against chubby people. I just never wish to join their ranks. To be over weight, it's horrible to even think. I have worked long and hard for the body I have now, I refuse to diminish and degrade it. I am toned and to gain more weight would be pushing it.

"Avery, you didn't see what we did. It looked like that boy was taking down a twig. If he was bigger, there'd be worse injuries than your ankle." Dad argued, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah," Austin said, "It's no big deal. All you gotta do is buck up."

"No big deal." I echo, trying to understand the meaning of his words, "No big deal? Are you freaking kidding me? This is my body we are talking about. I'm the one who has to live with it."

Austin gives me a shocked stare, "You're barely a hundred and twenty pounds."

"And that's pushing it." No one heard her, hell, no one even saw her. Mother leans on the doorway, looking perfect as always, not a hair out of place and makeup done well.

"Georgia, football players usually need more meat. It's fine if Avery-" Dad could never get his point across properly with Mother. 

"Oh, don't go there. Our daughter is big enough. The only reason she's the size she is, is because I let her be. Her breasts, thighs, waist, and arms are well proportioned." Mother's cold eyes glare at Dad and he stands there looking annoyed.

I could see the storm in Ivy brewing, "Avery can do what she wants. She doesn't need you telling her what to do with her body."

With great distaste, Mother gawks Duke. Her gaze travels to his hands on my calves and I could see the blunt disgust. "Clearly. She is still my kin and I want her to look her best."

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