Out of the Closet

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Been a long time since my last update!

Ran out of characters to put, got any suggestions?





"Austin, none of the scouts even glanced my way." I sigh and throw myself on his leather couch.

Ivy sets down two waters and opened a fresh bag of chips. Munching one, she said, "Its not like you need scholarships or much recognition. You're rich and famous."

I roll my eyes, "But see, that's the entire point. They should at least ask if I've applied to their school."

Austin takes away Ivy's snack and hands her celery and a jar of peanut butter, "I wouldn't sweat it. Its barely junior year and we've just become a kick ass team. Give 'em time."

"Easy for you. Not only are they throwing scholarships and acceptance letters your way, but you've got already four colleges interested." I complain, taking a mouthful of the cool water. I swish it in my mouth before finally swallowing.

He shrugged, "I'm basically broke with a baby on the way."

"And you're a guy," this subject has bothered me to no end. Austin and Duke, along with other Knight players, have been offered help in choosing where they would like to attend college after graduation. Not that I don't have support, it'd just be nice to see the other side pulling their own weigh. Soon, we go to state and play against the Lions for the title. You'd think proud football colleges like Alabama and Tennessee would send me an email for that.

"And you're being covered by ESPN, so stuff it." I cast my gaze away and stare at the floor, not wanting to admit that he is right. "If you're that worried, we can make one of those videos. Y'know, where we talk about you. She got the grades, the talent, the drive, don't you want Avery Skinner in your college!" He nudges my shoulder.

"Sure," I feel giddy at the thought of making a video about me. Maybe then they'll realize I'm worthy.

"Go grab the ball in Cash's room. We'll start now,"

I stand and open the last door in the long hallway. Cash has a messy room even though they barely moved in. Sports posters litter his wall, his bed is unmade, dirty socks spread over the floor. I step over a empty soda can and reach for the ball on his night stand. I toss the football in the air a few times and pretend I just made a winning touchdown.

I had stepped back to catch the ball but I hit my shoe on a pizza box. I scoff when then ball missed my fingers and rolled under his bed. I get on my knees and jerk the blankets out of my way. The ball had landed next to a small cardboard box. Curious, because the box and ball are the only things under his bed which would normally be stuffed with garbage.

Smirking, I pull both items out and place the ball on a discarded shirt. I thought I had found his secret porn stash but what was in the box took me by surprise.


Cash came in through the front door and saw us wearing awkward smiles. He grinned, "What'd I miss?"

"Cash, darling-" Ivy began but her voice was too high. I gently elbow her arm.

"Anything exciting happen?" I casually ask.

He pursed his lips, "You guys are acting weird,"

"Weird?" Austin laughed, "We're not weird. Why mention that? Something weird going on in your life, Cash?"

"Other than you three, no." He went into the kitchen and started pulling out sand which items from the fridge. We followed him and watch as he made a ham and cheese.

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